Tri-Fold Dad Frame

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Eva Amurri shares her Tri-Fold Dad Frame for Father's Day

Homemade gifts for Dads are always THE sweetest, but also such a toss-up. Is it possible to make something for Dad that he will actually love and use, and not just something that he keeps around because it’s cute that the kids made it?! Well, I think YES. hahaha. Enter my fab idea for this year’s Father’s Day: a trifold “Dad” frame I made for Kyle! I have three kids, obviously, so spelling out D-A-D was really easy with these letters. You could also easily just have two kids holding all three letters (or posed with them) and do a double frame. OR if you have five children, spelling out “DADDY” would be epic. And then I’d do five mini frames that can be placed next to each other on a bookshelf.

in this picture

In any case, you can tell that this craft is quite flexible. The most important thing is the adorable set of photos of your kiddos, holding letters in a tribute to their Dad. What could be cuter?! My favorite part about this sweet Father’s Day gift is that it really captures the kids frozen in a moment in time, in a way that is just of them, and not of a family pic type of situation. It’s almost a portrait trio! I know Kyle will cherish this for years to come. I chose a medium-tone wood frame because it’ll go the best with Kyle’s decor, but you can make this as fancy or simple as you want. Let me know if you have any questions!


Eva Amurri shares her Tri-Fold Dad Frame for Father's Day

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Photographs by Julia Dags | Copyright © 2022 Happily Eva After, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Katie says:

    I love how each picture so perfectly encapsulates each of your kids’ personalities. Great idea!

    06.10.22 Reply
  2. Michelle says:

    This is a great idea…the cutest and budget friendly. Could be done every year with the most recent placed on top of the previous years. How fun will it be to look back each year? Wish I had thought of this when my son was young!

    06.10.22 Reply
    • Yes totally! I plan to swap out the photos next year too 🙂

      06.13.22 Reply