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One of my favorite milestones of this pregnancy so far has been telling our kids! That morning felt to me like what Christmas morning must feel like for every child ever. LOL. I could hardly even stand it and counted the minutes until they woke up. We ended up telling Marlowe and Major about their sibling pretty early on, which I wasn’t anticipating. I was so sick this time around that I think it was starting to scare them a little since they didn’t know what was wrong. I wanted to assuage their fears as well as try to create some positive energy in the house– I knew that both would help me get through that awful period of limbo.

On the other hand, I was a little nervous. I think anyone who has lost a baby knows that the trepidation of those first few months, expecting heartbreak around every turn. It took nearly my entire pregnancy with Major to decide to trust in the process, and to surrender to whatever was meant to be for our family. This time, that feeling has come easier, but I don’t think it’s ever truly “easy” after a loss. While it was a bit risky, so to speak, to reveal it to them so early (I was seven weeks), having my two great loves in on such joyous news really did make the entire process that much sweeter.
Here is the video we took! I had wrapped an ultrasound photo attached to a baby doll inside of a box. I love how Major was actually the one who “got it” right away. LOL. And then you can see how excited Marlowe was, especially because she’s been begging me for another baby for the last two years. LOL! Major was a little more nonchalant….at best. He has since warmed up to the idea a lot more. I can’t wait to watch him become a loving a protective Big Brother!

I’m curious how you told your children you were expecting a third…or fourth..or fifth?! Please share in the comments below!

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Photographs by Julia Dags
Congratulations momma! We are pregnant together! I am 5 months after a miscarriage and the loss of my sister to brain cancer last year. It’s my first and we are having a girl!
“We have to cut the cake!” Hahahahaha!!!
The YouTube link isn’t working for me. It keeps saying the video is private.
Hi Eva, congratulations! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to share your journey! Unfortunately, your YouTube link seems to be set to private? Or maybe I can’t see it in Australia.
All the best xx
Hi There.
So excited for you and your family! When I click on the youtube link it says the video is private and I can’t watch it.
video is private
Congratulations again! I am SO excited for you and your family.
“We have to cut the cake” LOLOLOLOLOL!!! The cutest!!
So sweet. We told my 3 and a half year old daughter when I was almost 3 months. We spontaneously told her while having an ice cream treat. What was so adorable was that we videotaped her getting the news, being so happy & hugging me….but then we turned off the recording right before she so maturely said, “Congratulations Mom!” It was so precious.
I love Marlowe! “We have to cut the cake!” LOL!!
Sooooo Cute!! Can’t wait to see how they interact with their new sibling! Congratulations again & thank you for sharing this precious moment with us.
“Now we have to cut the cake!” Best line ever!
We told our kids after the first ultrasound and our daughter was thrilled and our little guy didn’t quite understand. Prepare yourself for the brutal honesty of a 5 year old girl after the birth though lol… my daughter kept asking me why my belly was still so big for weeks after giving birth and was convinced there was another baby in there.
She’s still my best helper though and such a mini mama… my middle guy stepped into his role of big bro like a champ and is so gentle with his baby bro. Three kids has been wonderful.. the perfect level of crazy for us.
My daughter would randomly ask me if I had another baby in my tummy…for at least a year or more following the birth of her sister! Thanks kid!! ?
Marlowe’s comment at the end about the cake – ?! Kids are too precious. Congrats!
Video worked for me! Poor Major LOL “But mom I’m your best boyfriend and what if it’s a boy?! Also I’m the baby!” I remember I was pretty non chalant about my brother being born too and even more so when I was told it was a boy! Hahaha.
Congratulations! I was surprised to read this news since you were ADAMANT that y’all were complete with two. Hope you do a blog post on your decision to have the 3rd!
I hope so, too! We told our then five year daughter about our new baby at about 6 or 7 weeks. She had been begging for a little sister and she was so coy when we told her. She smiled big and then flopped on the bed and said “I’m not going to get any peace around her then!” Sixteen years later and she still adores her little sister. Congratulations!
This is just the sweetest!! I love how excited Marlowe is!! And “We have to cut the cake!” is SO funny!! But makes total sense! LOL Congratulations again! I’m so happy for you all!
Omg Marlowe’s reaction is super cute? is the sweetest girl in the world!
Awwwww Lowies reaction is so priceless you can see the little mommy in her waiting for the new baby ❤️❤️ Gosh this little girl is so so special! And I love how Majie is so reluctant lol! How is he now? Did he get excited or still not that interested in the whole new baby thing? Hoe you have an easy, healthy pregnancy and sending lots of love for the Martino fam!
Video works for me.
So sweet!! I can’t get over how Marlowe sounds so grownup!!
When I got pregnant with my son, my daughter was just 2 yo. We didn’t think she could understand too early, so we decided to wait a bit, until there would be a belly to go with the words (you know, tangible proof). My husband and I did talk about it at times, not thinking that she was picking up on what we were saying. One morning, still very early on, she didn’t finish her oatmeal. She brought the bowl over to me, and said: « here mommy, that’s for my little brother ». I melted. And sure enough, we found out a few weeks later that it was indeed a little brother!
“ we have to cut the cake!”
So adorable! Congratulations ??
My son was 5 when I found I was pregnant w my daughter Mackenna . I wasn’t supposed to be “able” to have anymore children . I thought I had the flu. We sat him down and told him pretty early on like you . He kissed my stomach and said “ you will have a girl and I will be the best protector” . To THIS day my son Mason is always watching out for her. I’m so excited for you and the journey you’re on❤️
Fun video! “We have to cut the cake.” hahahaha! So freaking cute!
Oh I love this! Also Marlowe cracks me up – “we have to cut the cake”.
Congrats! How did you keep them from telling other people? ?
Congratulations! I love how Marlow goes, “we have to cut the cake” to know what the gender will be!
Sweetest video EVER! Thank you for sharing these moments with us! I’m literally crying happy tears after watching that!
Yay! Many congratulations! This video is so adorable. Marlowe and Major’s reactions ❤???❤ The only way to tell if it’s a boy or girl…We have to cut the cake!
I, too, was so excited to tell my 12, 10 and 8 year olds that we were going to have a baby! They were over the moon with excitement, and immediately looked at this baby as their baby (my youngest has always said he had 5 parents)! My oldest was in high school, but not embarrassed at all that his Mom was pregnant. Of course, my daughter couldn’t wait to call her friends. It was pure pleasure sharing our exciting news with them! Congratulations to your family! I am vicariously enjoying your news!
Aww so sweet! Congratulations! So exciting for you and your family. I was literally crying at the end of your reveal video. It was beautiful! x
SOO excited for you guys!!! I’m pregnant with baby#5,I had a miscarriage between my 4 year old and 1 year old. Excited to be pregnant together and share and see milestones! We just told our kids flat out,but my 18 year old stepson didn’t believe me ?. Were due March 10th and should be finding out the gender from our blood test soon❤
Omg! How adorable! We have to cut the cake first ? I love kid’s thinking! Congratulations ?
The way we all found out about our third was me coming out of the bathroom saying ‘holy crap!’ When I found out the gender via blood test, no one else knew. So I went to the store and picked up a couple of shirts for my husband and a matching outfit for the baby. He arrived home from work and opened the bag, looked at his clothes and thought the baby clothes were for my soon-to-be nephew. My daughter said ‘daddy this is for you!’ He said it wouldn’t fit him and I said ‘but who would it fit?’ And that’s how he found out he was finally getting a son.
This video is so sweet. Marlowe’s face lighting up is so magical! Congratulations again.
Congratulations to y’all!! What an exciting time!! Your kids are adorable and I can’t wait to watch them loving on a baby!! Oh man…Major is going to be baby crazy!!
We have a daughter (she’ll be 7 in 7days!). I became unexpectedly pregnant in Dec during a rough patch in our marriage. We went preventing, but conceiving our daughter took years so we assumed we were fine, especially during a rough pitch when intimacy was few and far between.
Anyway, we told her on Christmas morning. She knew we wanted her to be excited but she so wasn’t! Unfortunately, the fetus never formed. My husband and I didn’t realized how excited we were until we lost it. And having to tell our daughter, who was very confused about it all, was heartbreaking. August was hard because I kept thinking that I should be giving birth that month. But, I’m a teacher, and as soon as school started I was blessedly distracted!
I’m happy to report that all is well now. The rough patch didn’t break us; we keep regular counseling appts, date nights, and dote like crazy on our kiddo!
This melted my heart! Your children have the sweetest little souls.
The comment about cutting the cake #priceless!
Because that is how you discover the gender…haha.
I never really had the opportunity to tell my oldest because she was 12 months when I got pregnant and only 21 months when had her sister so I she never really grasped it.
So precious!! I’m so thrilled for your wonderful family and was as excited as when my sister told me she was expecting. Lol! Seriously, I texted my Mom! ? I’ve been following you for almost two years and simply adore your whit, honesty and all the effort you put in! My favorite line was, “We won’t know until we cut the cake!”
We gave our oldest a shirt that the “the original,” our soon to be middle a shirt that said “the sequel” and a onesie that said “the finale.” We the gave them an ultrasound picture to try and figure it out. Our youngest looked a little nervous but was the first to figure it out and then of course claimed it new it all along. He had been asking if there was a baby in my belly since the day I found out. He was only 4 but he had some kind of sixth sense.
Such a special memory! I had a few losses so we never made a huge announcement to the older kiddos. It just sort of became part of life at some point haha!
Oh how cute that video was. I love Marlowe’s reaction and Major was so relax. Congrats on this new addition. I love how are you & me are pregnant at the same time bc you always blog stuff about your life and I going to be stealing a couple of your ideas in this pregnancy. I dont know what I’m having yet but whatever boy or girl I’ll be happy with. Wish you the best & hope everything goes smoothly.
I literally laughed at loud at Marlowe ‘We don’t know yet, we have to cut the cake’ ???
“We won’t know ’til we cut the cake”. Best line ever!
“We’ve got to cut the cake” SO sweet 🙂
I’m going to have to unsubscribe before I get baby fever again…I have a 4 and 2 year old and have been back and forth on a third…your posts may just push me over into taking the leap! 🙂 Congratulations, I can’t wait to watch this journey. Thank you for your candid look into your life!
My daughter is just under 2 so I don’t think she TOTALLY gets it… we’ve had the ultrasound photo out from the beginning and point to it and say baby, and we keep telling her she’s going to have a baby brother. I think she gets it, cause she gets excited when we talk about her baby brother.
Aww that is so sweet! I’m so happy for your growing family! Congratulations! We told my 5 and 7 year old about the baby in my belly by giving them a card to read aloud. My daughter was much more excited than my son was as well. Hah! She actually got tears in her eyes and watching your video brought back that wonderful memory. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I look forward to watching all the joy baby #3 will bring you and your family!
So sweet!! ?
We are due with our 3rd this spring as well and we told our boys by getting them both big brother shirts, we put them in the shirts (they can’t read yet) and took them to get ice cream. While we were eating ice cream we told them what there shirts said and they were so excited! (About the ice cream and the baby ?)
Eva! So happy for you all!!
I love how Marlowe says “we have to cut the cake”
Precious moments and again, best wishes for all of you.
So sweet!! Congrats, Martino Family!!
“We have to cut the cake” ??? DED
Congrats Martino Fam ✨? this video was so sweet!
? Lowie said “we have to cut the cake ?” I think she’s planning a gender reveal party. I can’t wait to see her blog ??
That was adorable. Lower totally got it and her face was priceless Mama. She is already an awesome big sissy. Can’t wait to see how she is with this baby. And Maj was so chill which is his usual ?. He’s gonna rock the big bro gig!
Priceless!!! We gotta cut the cake!
I’m saying it’s a girl ?
Love this! “We have to cut the cake” – looks like Lowie wants to have a gender reveal party! A party enthusiast just like momma! 🙂
“We have to cut the cake.” Lol!! I love that!!
My oldest (4 years) always just somehow knew right away or before we even found out. He would make some comment about “our baby”. So we told them early! I had a miscarriage last August and we got pregnant right away again and he knew then too. Haha! He always talked about our next baby and when we told him we were pregnant he said something like “oh, yeah, the new baby” like it was old news. 🙂 And he was so caring the whole pregnancy!
IM CRYING at Marlowes reaction!!! I just love this!
So sweet!
My boys were 8 (Turning 9 same month baby was due) and 6 (turning 7) when we told them we were having a 3rd baby. I had T-shirt’s made for them, they said “Big brother again” and “Big Brother in training” they were confused, so I told them I I have a baby in my belly and they were so excited lol my 6yo said “yay! Now I’m not a liar!” Lmao he was already telling people he had a baby brother ???
The video is pretty funny.
We went to Disneyland next day for the last time before our passes expired and wore our shirts. Mine said “this is my last one seriously” with an arrow pointing down and my husband wore a shirt saying “be nice to me, my wife is pregnant” ?
I posted the Disney family pic casually to my IG to surprise everyone.
Marlowe is the best, “we have to cut the cake.” I can’t, it’s too much adorableness! Congrats Martino Family!
Congratulations!! Love the part about cutting the cake to find out the gender
I had 3 older kids (almost 14, 11 and 9) when my 2nd husband and I found out we were pregnant. I told my 9 yr old first because he was who I was most worried about. He’d been the baby so long. He said “this was always my wish!”. So we had him telk his older siblings- we sat at the dinner table and he announced he was getting a promotion. No one understood until he said “I’m being promoted to BIG BROTHER”. It was perfect ❤
Love it! So excited to watch your pregnancy! We told my stepdaughter (7 at the time-she’s now 8) when I was around 3.5 months along. I got her a tshirt that said Big Sister and then a little brother onesie to show her. I also had her in a mini pumpkin themed photo shoot the day after we told her, she wore the shirt and held a sign saying It’s a Boy! So she got to do the gender reveal. She’s the best big sister to our now 1 year old! (that picture is part of my son’s bedroom now)
Congratulations. When we were expecting our rainbow baby back in 2017 after two losses, my oldest son who was 8 at the time just knew. We were in a store one day and he just blurted out ‘Mum are we looking for stuff for the new baby’ and my other son, who was 6 at the time ‘Yeah, our new baby sister’.. I was only very very early on and we didn’t know the gender. Fast forward the 9mths and we have a little girl 🙂 She is now almost 2 <3
Many congratulations to the whole family!!! Love Lowie’s remark so matter of factly, like duh ya cut the cake….how fun for you ?
Haha! Kyle is me, I am Kyle. I said the same thing when Marlowe said “we have to cut the cake” to find out if baby is a boy or girl lol
Eva, I am so thrilled for you and your family! What a lucky little baby to be born into your family-loving, devoted parents and the best big sister and brother ever!
Wishing you every joy ! Can’t wait until you cut the cake!!
Congrats on your third baby and Marlowe’s second baby.
Congratulations. So happy for you and your family.
Back in 1994, I told my eight-year-old son that we were having a baby girl. He looked at me, titled his head, and told me to send her back, he rather have a cat. Lol! Well, he got both! He is now 33 years-old and still adores his sister.
This is the sweetest little video – tears of joy! Having also lost a baby, I relate to the fear, marvel at your bravery, and applaud your steadfastness. Thank you for sharing such intimate family moments. Your fierce optimism shines a beautiful light.
YES! Cut the cake! We are dying to know ❤️❤️❤️
I loved the video. I always have a fangirl moment with Marlowe. My favorite part: “we have to cut the cake”. She is definitely expecting this to happen again. It’s so adorable. I’ve been following you since you had Marlowe and now you are in baby # 3. How awesome is that? Congratulations, Eva and the rest of the family!!!