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When I wrote about our recent trip to Los Angeles, I mentioned that one of the best part of the entire thing was seeing my siblings on my Dad’s side. We hadn’t all been together in eleven years! We had, of course, seen each other in different combinations (two of my sisters even live together, and the third just moved in! LOL) but we hadn’t had that all-together dynamic in such a long time. People from big families– you know what I’m talking about! It was so so special, and made even more sweet by the fact that it is truly amazing to hang out all together as ADULTS! It was amazing to see my siblings so enamored with my babies, and of course Marlowe and Major were in heaven as well.

And this little trip of just a few days of togetherness really showed me how much I had been missing them all, and what a special relationship we have. As Kyle said one night after we left my sisters’ Venice bungalow: “You guys have such a unique bond– and I haven’t seen you that happy and relaxed in a while.” He was right! And it was so weird that the last time all five of use had been together was before I even met Kyle! The occasion called for documentation for sure, so we all sat one day for some sibling portraits! I absolutely love how they came out, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to share with you guys a bit about the background of our family and what our relationship is like. I used to be really overwhelmed by having such a multi-layered “modern family”, but now I totally love it. I think Marlowe is even a little bored by the fact that all she has is two married parents and a full-blooded brother! LOL.

So, to fully explain, let me take it back a few decades! My Mother and Father met when my Mom was working on a movie in Italy. My Father is Italian, from Rome, and they started a whirlwind romance– despite the fact that he is 12 years younger than her! She was 38 at the time. She had been told she wouldn’t be able to have children as a result of her Endometriosis, but just a couple months in to her relationship with my father, she got pregnant! I guess I really wanted to be here! LOL. I was born in the United States, but we mostly lived in Italy for the first two years of my life, while my parents were still together. When I was three, they parted ways for good– and my Mom started a family with my Stepfather.

I spent my childhood splitting my time between my Mom and Stepfather’s family, and my Father’s family. Well, it was a few years before he started that family but then I was traveling between New York and Los Angeles, or New York and Italy. Most of you have seen my brothers on my Mom’s side a lot on my Instagram and Instagram stories because that was the family I grew up with for the majority of the year. And of course I love and adore Jack and Miles, my siblings on my Mom’s side! But I also have really meaningful bonds with my other siblings, and people are often shocked to hear that I am the eldest of SEVEN kids. Albeit from two different families. I call myself America’s Big Sister because of how many siblings I have. LOL. It’s been so tough with how crazy my life has been in the past five years or so, that I haven’t had the opportunity to travel and visit them as much as I wish I could have. With kids now, too, it made my time so spread thin– but I’m really focused now on rebuilding those relationships. In a way, I feel that both sets of my siblings see different sides of my personality in different ways, so reconnecting with my Dad’s side of sibs has made me feel much more complete as a person. It’s hard to describe– I wonder if anyone else with mixed families feel this way? I also clearly missed the Blue Eyes Memo. Ha! At least it passed on to Marlowe!

I’d like to introduce you to my siblings now! Here they are in descending age order…
Tallulah is the one wearing a Leopard silk We Are Leone top in these photos. She is the one I’ve been closest to for the longest, as we are the closest in age! Tallulah is a style maven who has been a stylist, traveled the world, and now has a gorgeous luxury fashion brand with our sister Ruby. It is called We Are Leone after our little brother Leone! Tallulah always makes me laugh, and is super independent and scrappy in a way I really admire. She is also one of those people who the CRAZIEST things happen to. I always say she should write a book, though she would need it to be a trilogy there is just too much to tell! LOL.
Ruby is wearing the long white We Are Leone maxi cardigan (from an upcoming collection) in these photos. Ruby is just the sweetest soul and looks like a Disney Princess. Since she was a little girl she has always loved taking care of everyone around her, and is probably the person in my life I’m MOST excited to see as a Mom one day– because she’s been a Mama Bear from the beginning. She designs We Are Leone with Tallulah, and they live together in Venice CA. Ruby had been living in the UK and Europe for over a decade, and finally moved back to Los Angeles last year.
The only boy on my Dad’s side! Poor Leone! LOL. I have to tell you, he is definitely the prince of the family! And who could blame us– from birth Leone was just the cutest kid in the entire world. In Rome, when we would take him out for a walk in the stroller, people on the street used to actually stop us and ask if they could take his picture. Creepy AF but gives you the general idea. Ha! Leone is really gifted with languages and speaks five! He is currently in College in Canada studying economics.
Augusta is the one wearing the black tank and silk striped We Are Leone pants in these photos. She just turned 18, and is officially the baby of the family! When she was born, I was technically old enough to have been her Teen Mom. LOL. Augusta has always been the sweetest child, and I’m not going to lie I AM TRIGGERED seeing her so grown up! Augusta just moved out to Los Angeles to work for We Are Leone and spend her “gap year” before she starts university.
If you guys couldn’t tell, I’m so proud of my sisters’ brand, We Are Leone! The line is so beautiful, and they are the most perfect high-end investment pieces. Check out my current faves from the line below!
Photographs by @jjustwebb
This is amazing! Also, I love the teen mom comment LOL! I am one of 7 as well and it is interesting to watch the genetics at play. Also, the influence of geography over personality since we live in different regions of the U.S. Because of the career of our mutual parent we moved a lot and are deeply attached to the areas we live!
Your sisters are gorgeous! Love learning more about your family. Especially my boy Leone! Lol What a fun childhood that must have been.
So awesome to have such a big family! Quick question because I’m curious – are you biologically related to Tallulah & Ruby, or are they technically your “stepsisters”?
Im sure they are biologically related since they are her dad’s children.
Hi, OMG this is the story i wanted to know. You guys should have a reality show or a web series, it would be so interesting to watch.
Much love from ??
What a wonderful surprise you must’ve been for your parents! Gorgeous family. As a fellow adult child of parents that are no longer together, I appreciate seeing your modern family. Many blessings to you. ❤️
Lovely pictures! I love this post Eva, i was wondering are Ruby and Tallulah your father’s or your stepmom and his previous relationship daughters? Anyways is so beautiful to have this bond with them!
Stepmom from previous relationship!
Beautiful family! I’m the second youngest of 8. Big family. Growing up it was a ton of fun. Everyone grew up, got married, had families. It was a big party.
I’m so glad you shared this story! Your dad’s genes are strong. You definitely look like your mom, but you also definitely look like your sisters. So cool and fun!
This is so so so sweet!
All of you seem so happy together!
Has Marlowe met your father?
Yes she has!
Do you see your father very often?
Thank you for sharing your family story. If spending more time with your sibs means you’ll be in LA more often, then I’m all for it!
oh my gosh ME TOOOO! I miss LA so much
The most beautiful family, wow! I love how unique each of your names are too. Dying to own a robe from We Are Leone. Hopefully someday….
Thank you so much for sharing your family tree details with us!…and these gorgeous pictures—I know your family will love having these now and in the years to come. And now I see where Marlowe gets some of her looks! Genes are cray cray. I also love how you clearly support their company by showcasing and describing the pieces!
Aren’t genes so crazy?! I think she looks like them too!
Love this !
Beautiful family. Love your family values.
Me personally , I have 5 siblings from 2 different marriages . 3 from my dad and mom remarried and had 3 more .
I don’t like calling my siblings half siblings . To me they are simply my siblings . I love them all so much. . They are everything to me. We are so very close. They’re not my halves . They’re my everything.
Big families are awesome . Love seeing you with yours.
What a gene pool you guys are pulling from/creating. I hope you all have a little toe that is significantly longer than your big toe. Give us something haha. Seriously, this is great. What a blessing to have such a big family on all sides. It makes life so much richer.
Being the mother of your four siblings and so lucky to be your stepmom, I have to say, as leader of the pack, you’ve always had a fabulous sense of what it means to be a family – even in our mixed up, unusual combination. We used to get stopped on the streets of Rome or L.A. with people saying “You all look like each other but also completely different. Are you really from one family?” You’d all burst into laughter and give the craziest answers. When Tallulah was asked if she had siblings she’d say “I have two halves, a step and a whole”. It’s amazing to see your children’s resemblance to your brothers and sisters and the deep affection and connection they have for each other. Thank you for inspiring this reunion and the beautiful photos I will have on my screensaver for years!!! They are so special because they capture that easiness and warmth and love you all have for each other -that just glows when you’re together.
We need to do it with you next time! xoxo
So great you still have a relationship with your stepdad and stepmom
I am the oldest of four and a couple years ago I came up with the idea to no longer buy each other birthday gifts. Instead on each persons birthday we go out, just the four of us, for a sibling night. The birthday person gets to decide what we do and the other three split the bill. We have the benefit of living close to each other but with young kids and just life in general it is hard to carve out time. This birthday tradition guarantees we get together at least four times a year. It has been so much fun and wonderful for our sibling bond.
So beautiful! Do they have the same mom (as each other, I know they are your half sibs)
Yes! All have same mom
Aww this is beautiful seeing all the siblings together. A lot of girls. They are doing amazing things. Spending time with them must have felt like old times. And you’re right to be able to spend the time together, now as adults is amazing. You can share life stories and be enthrall by how much everyone has grown. And I can imagine you guys all inspire each other. That’s beautiful. God bless you all. What a great family.
It’s great to get to know you’re beautiful (and huge!) family!! And awesome to see that you’re planning on making a trip to LA an annual thing!
I’m excited to see your house reveal and an update, whenever those are coming. Good luck with the upcoming move!
Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures!