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I’m so excited to share the gender of our third baby with you all today! Or, I should say, all of us are. Finding out whether our third baby would be a little boy or a little girl was something that our entire family was waiting with bated breath for– our personal family tie-breaker! LOL. The funniest part about all of it is that no matter what my kids “wanted” in theory, we all had a pretty strong sense of the gender of this baby from the very beginning, which I feel like is rare to have! Every single one of us thought it was a boy. No hesitation. I think since I was really sick during the first trimester of my pregnancy with Major, and even worse this time around– I just assumed that the same hormones were at play, and so a boy was inevitable.
When I asked Marlowe what she thought the baby was, her answer was “Do you mean what I want it to be, or what I think it is?” LOL. Way to break it down, girl! LOL. She decided she wanted it to be a girl, but she though it was a boy. I asked her how she would feel if it turned out to be a boy like she thought it was. Her response: “Oh Mom, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl, it’s OUR BABY! That’s the best part!” Oh Marlowe Mae, my teacher of teachers. I love her. She has since also told me: “Mom, even if our baby is really ugly, we won’t care because it will look cute to us, and if anyone tell us it’s ugly we’ll just say ‘get out of here, this is the cutest baby in the entire world!’” I LOL’ed at that one.
So, we finally arrived at the reveal! We ended up getting the test results WAY earlier than I expected, and I had my doctor share the gender with somebody else, so we could do a reveal where all four of us found out together. We had found out with a cake when I was pregnant with Major. And that way was fine, but it didn’t feel as sudden and exciting as I had wanted it to be. I wanted all four of us to see the gender instantly, at the same time. Together. So we settled on a balloon reveal! I absolutely loved finding out this way, and I will treasure this video and the pics forever. Here it is!!!!

So…the third little Martino baby is…a BOY! I’m beyond thrilled, and feel this is the perfect combination for our family. I can’t wait to snuggle another little boyfriend, and I absolutely love that Marlowe is still my only girl. We love going on special “girls’ trips” together and from the moment I got pregnant I was secretly hoping that those trips could remain just the two of us. I also love that Major now gets to be the “Big” to another boy. I can imagine him being such a gentle and caring big brother, and I love that this little man gets to learn from such a sweet soul. I always had a sense that another boy would complete our family.

What do you guys think?! Are you surprised?! Every poll I did had the guesses overwhelmingly for “Girl”. Ha! I would love to hear about your lineups of kids, and what your “tie-breaker” was if you had one!

Photographs by Kerry Heftman
This may sound a little strange (and possibly creepy), but as soon as I saw your ultrasound, I just KNEW it was a boy; that pic looks like Major to me!
I am thrilled for you and your family, Eva, and the joy and excitement on your faces brought me to tears. I don’t know how many more of these videos I can take; I’m always an emotional mess after!
This made me laugh because I had my own thoughts that I thought sounded creepy too. I knew it was a boy and in my mind I felt like I knew it was a boy because I know Eva so well (I don’t) that I could tell by her reactions and demeanor she was excited about the gender because I knew she wanted Marlowe to be the only girl. I felt vindicated and less creepy when I read this and realized I was right haha.
Amanda, great (or creepy!) minds think alike! 🙂
Congrats on another boy! Having the youngest two both be boys is actually perfect! They can share a room when the baby is old enough. You might actually still have some of major’s clothes on hand lol.
Maybe this baby will stay little longer than Major did haha!
I had guessed girl but I was torn on my guess too. I’m a boy mom, so I always tend to vote boy from a bias! ? Yay for a baby brother! ❤️ I can’t wait to hear his name and see the sweet relationship he has with Marlowe and Major!
I’m the only girl of five and have three sons! My grandkids are girl/boy 3 months apart. It’s a man’s world for me but I love it! My granddaughter gives me an opportunity to do all the girly things as she is a girly girl like her Nana. But those boys… man do they take care of their sister/mama! And I loved the responsibility of training men to be good partners. My brothers and sons are all amazing to their wives and kids and I take a lot of the credit!
Our lineup is: identical twin girls (about to turn 21-yikes) and an almost 15 year old boy. They are almost to the day 6 years apart. The age difference which will be close to Marlowe’s and her baby brother is AMAZING!
From day 1 the girls have been amazing big sisters even to this day where they all live 100s of miles apart in college and our son at home. Three is a great number of kids- they all seem to just get closer and closer!
Awww Congratulations!! Marlowe and Major will be the best big siblings.
I have two younger brothers so growing up my mom and I did special “just us girls” outings and activities. That is something I definitely will remember my whole life. And the best part of being the big sister is that eventually you don’t have to share all your toys 🙂
I also have a girl and then 2 boys. I love having my one girl and I love that my boys have a brother!! My daughter totally said “it’s a boy! I knew it!” with our third. Congrats!!!
Majy boy belly at the end though! SO IN LOVE! I cannot wait for name contender’s! M-cubed I hope!!! ?
That is so exciting! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the news with us❤️
Aw! Congrats! I sensed boy as well! WOOOO!
Congratulations!! We have three kiddos – boy, girl, boy – I may be biased, but I LOVE that combination! So happy for all of you!
Congratulations! Loved your reveal! My lineup is boy, boy, girl and 9 years later another boy! My daughter always says she is my favorite daughter, while my boys always claim to be the favorite and my son-in-law has also chimed in as my favorite! Of course, they are all my favorites especially since they have blessed me with 7 granddaughters and 2 grandsons!
Awe so sweet guys!!! Congratulations! Our tie breaker was a girl. We had girl, boy, girl. I love that your boys will be so close in age and Marlowe is the oldest and gets extra fun outings together with you one on one. So special. Thank heavens for little boys!
Omg I was already having major feels about Maj being a big brother.. now knowing he’s going to have a younger brother.. WHAT! Another little Major in the family?! I can’t picture it! Lol.
Congrats to you and your family! So exciting and I can’t wait to follow along on this journey!
So happy for you! My initial guess when you announced your pregnancy was boy, but then when you wrote about how sick you were I assumed it was a girl. I know it’s a wives tale but from the people I know, nausea is much more common with girls. I didn’t realize you were also sick with Major.
I am due with my second boy in November. While I’d love to have a daughter, too, I LOVE my little boy and can’t wait to see him be a big brother and for the two of them to do brother things. Baby boys are wonderful.
We had a VERY surprising 5th baby coming spring two years ago. We had two boy and two girls so as far as we were concerned, our family was complete! But God had a better plan. We couldn’t wait to see what our little tiebreaker would be-it went to the GIRLS! Our Elsie is the sweetest and spunkiest little thing and we can’t imagine life without her. Congratulations, Eva! I am so, so happy for you ?
CONGRATULATIONS! I had the same tie breaker, we’ve got a girl and two little boys and it’s SO fun. They’re actually super close to your kids ages ???
Congrats!! Yay, i guessed boy! Lol…watching your vlog on Friday you described all my symptoms and aversions when I was pregnant with my son so i just got the boy vibe for your 3rd:) what an exciting time for your family, Major and Marlowe will be the cutest big siblings once he arrives!
Oops, sorry I posted on wrong trail??♀️
Omg! Congratulations! I loved be video! got Tears in my eyes! Auguri Mamma Eva!
Super excited to hear that you will be having another boy♥️
I have two boys myself soon to be 14 and an 11 year old. I love being a mom to boys!! The first time I found out I was pregnant I hoped for a boy and the second time around I also hoped for a boy.
Congrats !! Sending all positive vibes your way !!
Congrats!!! I love that you said now Marlowe is your only girl. I thought the exact same thing when I found out my second baby was a boy. I love calling my daughter the most beautiful girl in the world and now Ill just have the most handsome little boy in the world too!! ?
Congratulations ? on your lil man. I’d guess boy bc you knew early. Boys they can tell at 10 weeks ? marlowe will be the only princess ? mommy / daughter dates. Yay!!!
I was right!!!! Congrats! I was super sick my first trimester with Ben, so when you were saying how sick you were I just had a hunch!
It was actually kind of hard to see the color of the confetti until it zoomed in on the porch so I was like “what are they saying, what are they saying?” since y’all were so excited ?
Yay! So happy for you all!
It was hard for me as well to see the color of the confetti, and I’m thinking, “What is it?!? What is it?!?” Also, the pink balloons looked more white to me than pink, so I at first thought it was a boy from the get-go. 🙂
Congrats!!!! I always find it interesting when we daughters have the same gender pregnancies as our mothers – my grandmother had two girls then a boy, then my mom followed with the same, i have two girls and trying for a third maybe a boy and follow tradition?!?
Congrats! I have a girl and two boys and it’s the best!! My boys are super close despite their 6 year age gap. And my daughter and I do girls outings all the time. It’s so special! Boys are special with their mamas and my third is just like that, a mamas boy! Congrats and good luck!!
Marlowe is such a great big sister! I’ve seen so many videos where the little girls cry because it’s a boy lol. So excited for your family to grow! I’m so interested to know how you guys are making baby work in the new house, since you said it wasn’t planned and you don’t really have a designated room.
Side not, because I am THAT person: Please do not release balloons. They end up bursting, coming back down to the ground and animals get tangled in the string or eat them (which kills them). You can find biodegradable balloons online though, if you still want that experience, but make sure to call that out so others know to use eco-friendly ones and not your standard latex. Just trying to educate more people on it – only love! 😀
Congratulations!! ??? Our tiebreaker will be 1 on October 8th so I’m having a blast planning HER first birthday party right now! We almost named her Marlowe but wound up going with Adelaide Iris. She brings the whole family so much joy and happiness! I can’t wait to see your kids fall in love with the new baby. It’s amazing ?
All I got to say is Ohh Poop? I thought it was going to a girl, I’m almost never wrong guessing what people are having??♀️??♀️ Oh well still I’m so happy for you guys either way. Marlowe & Major are going to be the best big sister/brother this baby boy is going to have. Love the video and the emotions of all of you, oh and thanks for making me cry once again, I don’t know how much more I can with these videos?. I can’t wait to see how this new addition will be.
Like always lots of love from Puerto Rico?☺️
Congrats!! Yay, i guessed boy! Lol…watching your vlog on Friday you described all my symptoms and aversions when I was pregnant with my son so i just got the boy vibe for your 3rd:) what an exciting time for your family, Major and Marlowe will be the cutest big siblings once he arrives!
Perfect ??
Love, love the gender reveal!!! Soooo happy for you. I have boy, girl, boy. My first two are 17 months apart and my middle and youngest are 14 months I love having two boys. My daughter is so helpful and I love getting our nails done and doing special things with her. My boys have their moments but truly love each other and are best buddies. Congrats again!!
So excited for you, little boys are so much fun!
But on a more serious note, I wish people would stop releasing balloons, it is horrible for the environment and wildlife. Please do some research and see what happens with the balloons that get released.
That’s so exciting, congrats! I am having a boy too! Do you feel like this boy kicked your butt more then your other pregnancies? I only have one other girl, but this boy really took me down the first trimester. Also, I am really really pushing to name our boy Major, I love that name!
Congrats Martino Fam on the new addition ? I don’t have children of my own but I am 1 of 3 siblings. We are all 10 years apart. I am the oldest @ 35 y/o, I have 2 younger bothers 25 y/o and 15 y/o. Despite the age difference the boys are the best of friends. I feel like they have the same humor, hobbies & interests. Major will be a major influence & role model for his younger brother ☺️
Congrats!!! What a wonderful reveal.
It’s a Boy ????Congratulations ???Sending much love, health and happiness always!!! Hugs Robyn ???
Yay! Boys are all I know! I have 3 boys and everyone WORSHIPS our youngest. We all run to him when we are mad with each other. He just started preschool and he is THRIVING with all the kids and that is 100% because of his brothers and how they treat him. They all have different relationships with each other and I could spend all day watching them. My oldest is top dog Alpha (like Marlowe) and Major will be am amazing middle child. He reminds me of my middle son who has absorbed so much from us and his sibling and it is quite a unique combination ?. All the well wishes for your beautiful family ?ps my older kids did boys dance at Steppin Out in East Norwalk and loved it but me 3 year old was still too young.
Congratulations!!! I am SO happy for you guys!!! As the oldest of three with two younger brothers, I could not relate to wanting those trips to remain just you and Marlowe more! I would have done anything to have a baby sister when I was younger but as I’ve gotten older, I am SO thankful to have remained the only girl (and that’s what amazing girlfriends who become like sisters are for!). I hold girls trips with my Mom SO close to my heart, and having only brothers and no sisters made me who I am today in so many ways that I can’t even quite put my finger on. There is something special about being the only girl and the oldest, and it made me a fierce protector of my brothers (even when they never needed it, especially now that they’re grown men and both much larger than me LOL). My brothers are my absolute best friends; case in point, instead of having bridesmaids for our wedding in May, I just had my baby brothers stand up there with me as my Men of Honor. I’m so excited for Marlowe to become the ultimate protector of TWO baby brothers. XO
Congrats! So very exciting to have 2 boys led by by 1 dynamic girl!!!
Love and blessings 🙂
Congratulations to such a beautiful fam!!! Love Marlowe’s thinking on all of it!!!! So much happiness to you and your family! Can’t wait to follow the journey of Baby Boy Martino on the way! ❤️❤️
AWWW A BOY!!!! Can’t wait to watch Major and his little brother and Marlowe is already so good at being big sis. So happy for you guys!!! Xoxox
Just like your mama. Congratulations.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! So excited for your family!
BEYOND thrilled for you and your family! Another boy! What wonderful news 🙂
Congratulations to you and your adorably growing family. Also, that Marlowe is wise beyond her years ?
Huge congrats to the Martino fam! I loved reading this post, especially because from the moment I saw your pregnancy announcement video (btw, still watch it almost every day and still cry ??) I thought it was a boy. Like you said you were secretly hoping your girl dates with Marlowe would continue to be just you and her, I had literally thought the same thing. I thought to myself I’m sure it’s a boy. From the way Marlowe interacts with and loves Major, it has to be a boy! ?? and I was right along with the rest of the Martino fam. I’m so incredibly happy for you all and can’t wait to see the next months unfold! ?
My oldest is a girl and then I have 2 boys and it’s the best dynamic!!!! Congrats!!!!
I’m crying!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!
The same order/lineup that your mom had! How cool. So happy for you all. You are DEF making me want more ?
This is so cool, just like your mom. The oldest is a girl and then two boys ?. I bet Marlowe is gonna love being the biggest with two little brothers. I kinda had a feeling it was a boy when you posted a few days ago about baby clothes, and it was in Major’s room. Congrats!!! I wonder if he’ll be blonde like Marlowe or brunette like Major…
Congratulations!! I love that you are sharing your family with your followers. I’m hooked! Your advice, parenting skills, fashion, fun stuff, and the serious things are all spot on, interesting, and keep me coming back time and time again.
My guess was going to be girl!!! I was wrong! ☺️ I’m a boy mom and 2 boys are a rambunctious bunch! Have fun with those boys! Good thing you have sweet Marlowe to break up the boyness! ? congratulations! ???
Aww!!! Best day!! Congratulations!!! We, too, have a girl, boy boy situation and it’s wonderful!! I also had a rainbow baby, so I totally feel you on all accounts!! It will be so great for your whole family. It really felt complete after we had the third. Sending love❤️❤️❤️
Omg! I’m so so happy for all of you, especially Marlowe and Major! I’m due early January, our line up is just like yours! My daughter will be 5 at the end of October and my son just turned 2 in July. I’ve been following your blog for so long and love being a part of your journey!
This is such beautiful news!!A boy is great. Bit or, girl I know little baby Martino will add light and joy to the whole family!!????
Congratulations to you and your family. When are you due? March is a great month (my birthday is 3/6) or April for my son who is turning 25 next April (4/9).
My tie breaker was a boy and I also am GBB. I LOVE it for all of the reasons you said above. Plus, as Marlowe gets more and more busy and becomes more of a “girl” the boys will be on the same wavelength. I call my boys my little puppies as they just roll around and play. You will love your new family dynamic. Each child will have their own special relationship. Marlowe and Major will ALWAYS be close. Marlowe will be a mini the baby as the older sister and the boys will have their own boy/boy connection. I hope that makes sense. Enjoy!! Such an exciting time!!
The video made me cry ?. I’m absolutely beyond excited for your family. I think that since you were so adamant about not having another child that I gave that hope up and all of this is so beautiful and unexpected. What a gift, thank you for sharing it with us. ?
Congratulations!! Agree, it’s perfect for your family!
I have Two girls and similar to you had very similar pregnancies and just knew it was the same gender!
So happy for your family! I have 2 boys and their love is the best!! Are you choosing another M name???
Oh wow! I was sure you would have a girl! Lol! I’ve currently got one of each, 13 months apart and am struggling with whether or not to go the tie breaker! 2.3 and 1.2 years old now so maybe when they’re a little older ?
I am so happy for you and your family!! Marlow was so excited her eyes looked like they were sparkling, glowing.. idk what it’s called lol. Again Congratulations ???
Yvette Lopez
First and foremost, congratulations! This is so exciting!!! Two amazing, soft souled beautiful boys and your one special girl. I have the exact same in that order too! Although we’re around the same age, my kids are all grown up, my boys being 18 and 19 and my daughter 20. And, now I have my first grandson!!! He is Sydney’s son, however I have him full time. Long story short, my daughter has cystic fibrosis, she’s in the hospital monthly for wks at a time for exacerbations (IV Antibiotics for bacteria lung infections-bacteria her lungs grow to be exact it’s certainly NOT contagious!!) No joke. She is in there now. Luckily, she is in the best hospital in the United States, Massachusetts General hospital. They saved her life only 6 short years ago…. anyway, the baby is now 8mo old and just the sweetest most happy baby! I have him full time. At 38, believe me I wasn’t happy nor READY to be a grandmother! ugh is all I could say but I’ve obviously come around to being a gram ❤️ It’s been a whirlwind believe me.
My bond with my daughter is still so strong and beautiful and she can talk to me about, most things, which I truly admire and love. She is still her own person and chooses what to tell her mom, thank god lol. Shes told me some stuff let me tell you! No matter what, I listen. And if that’s all she wants, that’s what she gets… along with a big snugly hug and I love you’s exchange. Always. I’m sorry to go on and on it’s just I remember being where you are so long ago now and it brings such beautiful memories to me. And me praying, hoping and truly knowing, you and yours will have such beautiful, cherished memories. Through the hard ups and downs, to the funny moments and beautiful ones too and ALL that’s IN BETWEEN, that’s what makes you all stronger. I promise. These years are the core and key to later years!
What you have is so beautiful with BOTH your children. Yet, having that special bond with not only your first born but your first born daughter and only daughter (I’m only assuming how many children you want to have is all lol!!!) I haven’t read much of your blog. I’m new and catching up but have been a follower of yours for quite some time and I wanted to leave a comment. I LOVED when Marlowe said,” I knew it!” Oh my seriously the cutest ever! I love her beautiful soul!!!
Eva, truly, your daughter and you are just alike. She is a mirrored image inside and out of you! I love how she is a little mommy to Major. To helping him eat his dinner (omg is she the most precious, patient girl!!!) to singing to him and just giving snuggles. She’s such a mommy and mirrors you and it’s just so precious to see!
So now I literally have gone on and on! I am so happy for you and yours and wish only the best and love and happiness ✌?❤️???
Xoxo-Heather Jordan
Oh, Marlowe, you have quite the knack for summing things up succinctly and perfectly!!!
I was secretly hoping it would be a boy. ? A little friend for Major. Marlowe just seems like such a maternal type, she’s gonna be an amazing big sis to those boys. Huge Congratulations!! Oh and, that first picture of your face when the ballon popped…priceless. ?
This was precious. I just adore you and your family, and this was just so fun to watch along with you. Congratulations to you all! ?
Go for 4!!!
felicitation 😉
Congratulations in your baby boy. Your aesthetic is awesome,, but can we not be releasing balloons into the air?!?
Well shit, i totally cried when I watched this. Congrats xoxoxo
i hate to be negative on such a lovely post. but it truly crushed me when it seemed that joy released those blue balloons. i mean, that’s extremely bad for the environment. next time, just don’t do that 🙂
take care beautiful mamma