IG Live with Aundrea Tabbs-Smith

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In my personal journey to learn more and to better my allyship of the BIPOC community, I’ve been looking for more sustainable, long term changes.  I’ve been unlearning and finding ways to promote anitracism is my daily life at home, in my parenting, and in my business.  I started the Essential Antiracist Reading Book Club to start some unlearning for myself, in the hopes that others on the same journey would join me to share our thoughts and epiphanies. I’ve been talking to my kids about racism and racial injustice, but I know that this is a lifelong conversation and that the outcomes from this type of dialogue are long term.

I’ve often asked myself how I, as a White woman, can apply my education from these books I’m reading, podcasts I’m listening to, and films I’m watching to real life.  How do we all go beyond the books and learning materials to effect more long term changes in terms of allyship?

I’m thrilled to announce today that I will have Aundrea Tabbs-Smith joining me for an IG Live this week to discuss just that! I’m really excited to listen to her and learn some next steps, as well as to listen to some ideas surrounding her area of expertise– revamping education programs to center BIPOC voices.

Wednesday, July 29th, at 8pm EST please join me and Aundrea to discuss this further!

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