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This week’s Eight By Eva mama is an actor, activist, filmmaker, wife, and mother of two adorable boys!  Jill Latiano Howerton is setting out to change the way we look at the foods we consume– with her deep passion for healthy living to fuel her, Jill recently produced the
 documentary “GMO OMG”.  The film delves in to the provocative world of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and how they affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice.  “GMO OMG” is currently available on Netflix! And Jill and I just so happened to have birthed our babies with the same midwife (What are the odds?!)  Here, this strong and inspiring Mama answers my eight favorite questions:

1. What is the best parenting advice you have received?
Trust your instincts.  We as parents get so worried that we aren’t “doing it
right” and we look everywhere for answers: books, pediatricians, friends,
blogs, online forums, etc.  What you’ll come to find out is that there is no
wrong!  Every child is unique and, even when you think you don’t, you
actually know your child better than anyone else!  If you truly connect with
them and listen to your gut, you’ll always make the best decision for you and
your family.

2. What is your greatest challenge as a parent?
Two things: 1) Trying to discipline in a totally different way than I was
disciplined myself.  I have these default settings that I learned from my
parents and it is really hard to go against, especially in highly emotional
situations like when your toddler is having a tantrum in public or when your
kids push your buttons further than you thought possible. 2) Finding a
balance between work and being mom and not feeling guilty about it.

3. What’s the latest with your kid(s)? Any new dynamics? Funny quirks? Challenges?
We are at a pretty good place at the moment, although it is ever changing.  
My oldest is 4 and my youngest is 14 months.  They love each other so much
and enjoy playing together, which is such a blessing.  One challenge is the
napping schedules.  My oldest has  “rest time” in the afternoon that he can
miss if we want to make plans, but my little one still is on two naps, which
limits us to when we can make family plans on the weekends.  It’ll be nice
when he transitions to one nap, which will free us up a bit more.

4. What is your dream day as a family?
My dream day would be for the whole family to sleep in till 8am, get up and
dressed and out of the house with no struggles/fussing/complaints, ride our
bikes to our favorite breakfast spot and enjoy a meal together, then ride to
the beach to play in the sand and water, ride home and take a family nap,
wake up and cook a healthy meal while watching the boys play with my
husband and then all sitting down to the dining room table to share in good
food and good conversation.  The day would end with lots of snuggles at
bedtime for the kids and more adult type snuggles for my husband and I
before we fall asleep by 10pm.  😉

5. Kid item you can’t live without?
Oh my gosh, there are so many! My favorite right now is my PlanetBox lunch
and snack boxes.
  My older son brings lunch to preschool everyday and we
bring snacks everywhere, and these make it so easy.  These containers are
stainless steel, with separate compartments for all shapes and sizes of food,
and they come with carrying cases and ice packs that fit perfectly. Love!

6. Favorite local kids activity?
Our sons love the Museum of Flying in Santa Monica right now.

7. How do you unwind?
I don’t…just kidding…sort of.  I am pretty go, go, go most of the time, but I do
make time to take Pilates twice a week and I get a massage every so often.  
It’s also imperative for me to have date nights with my husband and to make
time to see my closest friends.  It allows me time to slow down, and connect
with the people I love. I always leave feeling centered and re-energized.

8. What are your favorite beauty products?
Soapwalla Deodorant Cream, Bite Beauty lipsticks, and Best Skin Ever Seabuckthorn Oil by Living Libations.  All work amazingly and are non-toxic!

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