Beauty Tips Passed Down to Me

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Eva Amurri shares the beauty tips that have been passed down to her by her mother and grandmother

I’m all about cultivating ageless beauty as I move through my thirties and through life. I was reflecting the other day on how much of how I view beauty and taking care of myself and my skin, has been passed down from my mother and grandmothers on both sides. As a girl, you end up absorbing so much of what is around you, whether you realize it or not. When I was growing up, I had a lot of female influences in this department. My American mother, of course, has aged pretty remarkably if I do say so myself! LOL. Then, I had her mother, who is of Italian descent but raised in America– she had nine children and NO time for self-care when my Mom was growing up. But when I got to know her as a child, she definitely had certain things that kept her feeling feminine and beautiful. 

Then on my other side of the family, there were other women. For one, my stepmother Heide, who was a big model in the ’80s and ’90s and always had a relaxed glamour to her that she had cultivated through years of being on some of the best sets and traveling to incredible places. My Nonna (father’s mother) was the most gorgeous and elegant woman all the way to the end. With a truly ageless beauty and a great deal of sass, she took care of herself in a European manner, which is very different from how Americans view beauty and self-care. All this to say, I was surrounded by femininity and beauty in many different forms. I learned different things from them all, and then as I grew into my own womanhood I added my own beauty identity and rituals to the mix. 

I think it’s wonderful to find so much of our history in how we care for ourselves, especially as women. Today I thought I would share some beauty tips that have been passed down to me from the various women in my life over the years. Maybe they’ll inspire or introduce you to something new!

I would love it if you shared a beauty tip in the comments that has been passed to YOU!

Drink Lots Of Water

My mom always talked about this and ALWAYS did it. She doesn’t really drink alcohol ever and is always super hydrated. I truly believe that a huge reason why her skin is as fabulous as it is today is for this reason! I always find that I get my glow on if I really increase my water intake for a few days in a row. 

H2O Capsule Half Gallon Water Bottle


Buy me! You won’t regret it!

Don’t Smoke

This seems like a simple one, but smoking is not only dangerous for your health but it totally ages you and ruins your skin. I’ll admit in my early twenties I would socially smoke occasionally when I was out on the weekends and I think it really contributed to the horrible cystic acne I had at the time. 


Steam Your Face

My Mom once joked in an interview that her number one beauty tip was steaming her face over a pot of pasta water and they printed it! LOL. She still gets asked about it all the time. While that may not be exactly true, she did used to steam her face often, and in the steam shower as well. Steaming is great for loosening dead skin cells that can lead to dullness, as well as helping your products penetrate deeper. 

Aira Ionic Facial Steamer


This is my favorite facial steamer, and it’s on sale!

Get Enough Rest

Stress ages you, anyone will tell you that. Beauty sleep is a real thing! The women in my life have always believed in the beautifying effects of a great night’s sleep, or a few days of R&R. It’s important to quiet your nervous system sometimes so that you cells can regenerate and so your mind can soothe itself. Oftentimes how we feel on the inside is mimicked by how we look on the outside! A great double whammy is to sleep on silk pillowcases to nurture your skin and hair and prevent wrinkles and hair breakage!

Pure Silk Pillowcase


Love these silk pillowcases!

Be A Bathing Beauty

My Stepmom and my Nonna both used to spend their “me” time in the bath, soaking, scrubbing, and pampering themselves. I remember being fascinated by all the brushes and scrubs by the tub. My major takeaways here are that your body skin should never be neglected, and also that aging gracefully means leaning into those quiet moments of indulgence. I’m trying to be better about scheduling in some soaking time for myself! HERE is a post with some of my favorite bath products!


Play Up Your Favorite Features

My Mom and my Nonna were both always great about playing up their best features when it comes to beauty. They both wore minimal makeup when I was growing up, but would add a slick of lipstick here or some mascara to draw attention to their best assets. They also both were big into beautiful jewelry pieces as adornment! For myself, I’ve translated this into celebrating and investing in my skin. It’s one of my features that I love the most, so I will always indulge myself, with the rationalization that it will pay off long term to be using high-quality products. Check out my skincare routine here and my pregnancy skincare routine here.

Have Fun and Be Playful

My Nonna was the queen of sassy elegance. She wore leopard print bathing suits into her 80’s and LOVED heart-shaped sunglasses. They were her trademark. I think she stayed so beautiful for so many years because she didn’t let the joy get lost in the process of taking care of herself. There was a ‘fun’ to it that I hope to emulate in my own life as a woman. 


Never Stop Learning About Skincare

When I was growing up, my Mom was always trying out new lines of skin care products, different masks, and facials. Her vanity was full of product! Her motto was always “If I’m doing a little bit of everything, I probably won’t end up being completely wrong about how I’m tending to my skin!” She has amazing skin to show for this! LOL. While I am more consistent with my routines, I’ve made it a point to never stop learning about skincare and evolving with the times. I LOVE trying new products that have science-based success, and to treat my skin to new treatments or facials I haven’t tried before. 



Who was the Brady kid who said that, again? I kid, I kid, but this is the holy grail for skincare. Dry skin is so aging and can cause premature wrinkles, dullness, and lack of collagen production. My mom used to slather moisturizer on her skin during plane rides, and morning and night. Anytime it would get dry, she’d be all over it! I definitely learned early to make sure my hair and skin are getting enough moisture, and to let my skin plump itself naturally.

Find A Routine

My Grandma used to get her nails done every single week on the same day, and I always remembered her with a fresh manicure. Even when I visited her at the very end of her life she had her nails painted. I love that she took that time for herself. She used to love getting her hair done, too! It reminds me to relish in those moments that I am taking care of myself and to see it as a moment just for me. I always do a face mask on Sundays, and a hair mask twice weekly– in addition to my daily skincare routine. I love my little beauty routines! It helps me stick to my skincare and hair care goals. 


Laugh, And Enjoy Life

All the women who I grew up around would agree that the happiest woman in the room is the most beautiful woman in the room. If your insides are beautiful and content, it shines on the outside. Surround yourself with people and places that make you smile and spark joy. It is truly the best beauty trick!

Photographs by Julia Dags | Copyright © 2021 Happily Eva After, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Heide says:

    I am so touched and honoured to be mentioned in the list of powerful, elegant women who influenced you in any way. You were always so curious to learn and try new tips and tricks and your attention to caring for yourself inside and out was beyond your years. You certainly led the way for your sisters who would have followed you down any path. Thankfully, you consistently chose the smarter one. I remember when we were all in Capri and we found the best little store selling handcrafted sandals. We all chose a different colour and as we waited for the shoes to be custom made I took you and your sisters for a pedicure – because how could we possibly draw this attention to our feet if they weren’t perfectly presentable? You were all such good sports and I never saw any of you with less than gorgeously groomed feet. You are truly beautiful inside and out and I am so proud of you!

    09.01.21 Reply
    • Chica says:

      What a heart warming comment to a beautiful and thorough post.

      To Eva: you forgot to add the bathing products link.

      09.25.21 Reply
  2. Praveen says:

    Thanks for sharing this beauty tips with us and i appreciate your work.

    08.06.22 Reply
  3. Lee says:

    Thanks for this
    beauty tips

    03.12.23 Reply
  4. Thanks so much for such a beautiful post. Smoking does make a big difference on your skin and thus fair complexion can only be maintained by avoiding tobacco.

    Apart from that I really love the grandma tips and one should always cut their nails every week.

    03.13.24 Reply
  5. This post is so inspiring! I love how you’ve incorporated beauty traditions from so many strong women across generations and cultures. The tip about playing up your favorite features is something I really connect with – it’s important to embrace what you love about yourself!

    I also appreciate your honesty about the not-so-glamorous aspects of skincare, like your mom’s steaming routine over pasta water It emphasizes that self-care can be simple and doesn’t require expensive products.

    My own beauty tip comes from my grandmother: “Always remove your makeup before bed, no matter how tired you are.” It’s a simple step that makes a big difference!

    06.14.24 Reply