Nursery Refresh: DIY Crib Skirt

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I recently received a few awesome bags of hand-me-downs from my girlfriend with three kids.  Her youngest, Sloane, is two and so Mama was purging and getting rid of all those baby sized items!  Luckily, Miss Marlowe was on the receiving end of this purge.  I love when Marlowe wears hand-me-downs from my friend’s kids– it makes me feel good knowing that her clothes have tons of good squishy baby energy in them, and she feels so proud wearing new pieces.  Looking through the bags, I found a suuuuper cute white crib skirt with pom-poms!

 I really feel that few things are cuter than pom poms.  I decided I wanted to add a few DIY touches to make it special just for Marlowe, so I headed to the craft store and picked up a few cheap supplies.  The result was awesome, and gave her nursery an adorable little facelift for under $20!  Kids’ room decor doesn’t have to be new and expensive to look great.  Take a trip to your local craft store for inspiration! Below I walk you through the DIY neon crib skirt tutorial:





    • White Thread (I used a thicker, stronger variety)
    • Needles (make sure your needle and thread size are compatible!)
    • Variety of neon beads to match her carpet (I bought yellow as well, but decided it looked better with just the pink, green, and orange!)
    • Scissors



Original Crib Skirt, no beads!


Sewing alternating colors above the pom poms


Store your beads in a small container so they don’t roll away! (I’m partial to a wine glass…)




All done!

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  1. Debbie Donnelly says:

    Your Mom and I were best friends in College at Catholic U. I’d love to hear from her. Please give her my email address. Marlowe is adorable!!

    07.29.15 Reply
  2. Lee says:

    You’ll be a great mom.
    PS: Your mom is one of the greatest actresses.

    07.29.15 Reply
  3. Michy says:

    Love this. Love your blog. I used your sleep routine for my little guy. It was some of the best advice I’ve gotten. Seriously, I really think the sleep bag adds 2 more hours to his first sleep cycle. I’m going to spread the word to my mom friends.
    P.S. People, stop mentioning her mom! This blog has nothing to do with her.

    08.03.15 Reply
  4. Cindy S. says:

    This is adorable and so colorful. My only concern is that is could be a choking hazard if little hands figure out a way to pop them off of the thread.

    08.16.15 Reply