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Dearest Marlowe,
Happy Sixth Birthday! My rambunctious, curious, bubbly, creative, BIG HEARTED big girl! When I think of turning six, I think of one of our favorite characters: Eloise. She is forever six! Her spirit, self assuredness, spunk, and humor remind me so much of you– and those things are all characteristics that I dreamed about seeing in a daughter of mine. Oh sweet girl, you are more and more captivating with every passing year– whenever I think I can’t get more proud of you, you always prove me wrong!
This year has been the year of your life with the most challenges– our family changed in a lot of ways. Me and Daddy made a big decision not to be married anymore, and then six months later we added your little brother to the mix. After that, we spent three months in our house because of a global pandemic, and then plodded through an even stranger summer. You have been such a beacon of light for ALL of us through it all. I’m in awe of how freely you let this jumbled up mix of feelings and experiences live powerfully in your heart…how you turn them over in your hands, feeling the rough or smooth edges, how you study and learn them, how you pour your curiosity over every part…and then how you engulf these feelings and experiences in love and release them. How bravely you release them! Your capacity for love could move mountains.
My thoughts and dreams for you are so ever-present in my mind, but never to be confused with “worry” for you. Because, my darling, I never worry. You are the bravest and most resilient, such a beautiful creature– more self-possessed at six than I was at twenty six. While I will always be here as your touch-stone, I am also always here to remind you that I believe in you so deeply. I have from the moment you took your first breath, and I will be here always to remind you every moment of just how strong you are. You inspire me every day, even on my hardest days.
One of the greatest joys I’ve had this year has been watching you become a big sister for the second time. Having you beside me while I birthed Mateo was such a gift to me (Thank you!), but then watching you bond with him so effortlessly was something I never knew I wanted so badly. You are the most loving, protective, funny, and fierce big sister. Your brothers are SO lucky to have you– and you’re still the only one who can make Mateo belly laugh so hard, and the only one who can turn Major’s mood around when he’s in one of his really grumpy ones. My favorite part, though, is watching how much you truly enjoy your siblings. When Mateo does something cute, and you turn to me with the biggest knowing smile on your face, to share in that special moment with me, my heart grows a whole size. Thank you for making this year so special despite its challenges.
My biggest wish for you this next year is to finally experience some of the things you love but had to skip recently– I hope you get to spend some time in school, I hope we get to go on a trip to one of our favorite places (even if it’s a road trip!), and I hope you get to spend lots more time with your friends. You deserve every happiness, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you just around the corner. I love you Marlowe! Thank you for filling every day with laughter, and a big ‘ole hug around my neck.
I’m Yours,

If everyone could be mothered the way you mother Marlow, we would have heaven on earth ?
Happy Sixth Birthday, Marlow!
That is so sweet, thank you
Happy, happy birthday, Lowie!
Another gorgeous love letter, Eva! I can’t even remember how I found your page years ago, but I’ve watched in awe for six years as you have evolved into this powerhouse mama, raising magnificent beacons of light.
I have read your blog through my daughter’s entire life, and am continually inspired by your relationship with your kids, and their relationships with each other. Whatever you’re doing-it’s working.
Keep learning and loving the way you do!
Thanks Megan!
Happy Birthday, Marlo!!!
It’s pretty cool to be the big sister, helping your brothers and Mommy.
Well, study hard in school and you will do everything your heart ever dreamed of.
Have a wonderful day.
Such a beautiful letter to a beautiful girl. Happy 6 th birthday ? Marlowe. God bless you ? always.
This is such a beautifully written, sincerely heartfelt and meaningful letter for your daughter. Marlow is so lucky to have these words to read some day and I know she will cherish your sentiments and loving feelings. My daughters are adults now, but I wish I had thought to write letters like this each year as they grew. A true gift. Thanks for sharing.