Homemade Baby Food:  Chicken Dinner

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Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!  I don’t know about you, but I want to vom when I see bottled “Chicken Dinner” baby food.  There’s something about the idea of that pureéd mystery chicken just sitting there in a glass bottle for months and months that just…ok I need to stop.  Deep breath.  So! What’s a Mom to do when your little kiddo starts needing that extra bit of protein? Make your own Chicken Dinner!

Here is my recipe for Marlowe’s favorite Chicken Dinner that she inhales from the bowl.  It’s earthy, sweet,  delicious, and most of all healthy!  I use all organic ingredients in my baby food, but that is totally up to you.  Either way, it’s better than the bottled alternative.  Plus, the prunes in this recipe really help to keep things moving along, which can be challenging when babies start solid proteins!




  • 1-2 chicken breast cutlets
  • 1/2 large onion, diced
  • 1 large carrot, boiled until very soft (I boil a bunch of carrots for the week and keep them to give as table food as well!)
  • 4-6 dried prunes
  • 3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • 1 cup purified water, plus extra to taste

Recipe:  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Boil some water in a kettle and pour over the prunes to soften them.  I do this in a small bowl, and leave them soaking while I prepare the rest of the food.  Drizzle the chicken cutlet(s) with 1 Tbs olive oil and place in a shallow baking dish.  Place in the oven for approximately 12 minutes or until cooked through.  Meanwhile, sautée the onion or medium heat until very soft and browning, approximately 8-10 minutes.  Remove from heat and place in to your food processor or baby food maker.  Add the carrot, cut in to 1 inch pieces.  Remove the prunes from the water and slice.  Add to the food processor.  Cut the cooked chicken in to 1 inch pieces and add to the food processor.  Add 1 cup of water and pulse to purée.  Add more water and purée until desired consistency is reached.






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  1. Debbie says:

    You are so creative! Do you think a baby can be vegan from the start of eating solid foods and be healthy?

    07.16.15 Reply
  2. Thanks so much your homemade
    Baby food recipes
    are so so helpful.

    09.14.19 Reply
  3. Thanks so much your homemade Baby food recipes are so so helpful.

    09.25.19 Reply