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Dear Eva,
Do you have any go-to baby shower presents or gifts you received when Marlowe was born that you wouldn’t have thought of but turned out to be completely awesome?
Dear Presently Clueless,
I LOVE this question. Why? Baby Showers are my ultimate favorite, and shopping for them is even better! I understand your desire to get a totally FAB gift for the little one– especially since your boyfriend’s family personally invited you! I also commend your resistance to purchasing teeny tiny adorable clothes– when I was pregnant with Marlowe I (very kindly) received about 3,000 minuscule items of clothing– and she wore about 3 of them before she grew. The rest got folded up and put in the garage (Here’s to hoping we have another girl at some point…otherwise we may just have a newborn boy squirming around in ruffled bloomers) If you DO see a piece of clothing you just can’t resist, I recommend buying it in at least a size 12 months. It will be such a treat for the parents to eventually have a lovely gifted item of clothing that their child can actually wear for a little while! But I digress. Here are a few of my absolute favorite Baby Shower Items:
The Table Chair
This item is such a Slam Dunk, it should come with a basket ball hoop. I received this from my Aunt (I hadn’t been smart enough to register for it) and it was hands down the best baby gift I got. We use it every single time we take Marlowe anywhere to eat, and sometimes as her normal high chair when we are on the road! Being at table height with us makes it easier to feed her, safer than an average restaurant high chair, and it keeps her attention for longer (ie we get to eat something). It’s a great space saving high chair idea for parents with limited kitchen space as well!
Big Plush Animal
I received a huge pink plush bear at my baby shower and I’ll be honest at the time I thought “Whaaaaat?”, BUT Lowie’s pink bear has become one of her best friends. She gave one of her first kisses to the bear, said “Bear” before a lot of other words, hugs and snuggles with him constantly, and always says good morning to him! This gift really has that Wow Factor, and truthfully the kids are obsessed. Even chicer than a bear? This gender neutral Giraffe! I have my eye on one for Lowie’s second birthday…I’ve been heard the trip all the way from Africa is a doozy
Baby Humidifier
Our humidifier in Marlowe’s room as saved us on multiple occasions. When she was an infant and the winter air was a little too dry, or as she got older and caught a cold it really helped soothe her as she slept. The trouble is by the time we realized we needed one of these, it was a two or three day wait to get it in the mail! Save the day by getting a super cool and colorful humidifier for baby’s room. This one is amazing because it also diffuses essential oils so the parents can slip a few drops of lavender oil in there to help baby rest peacefully!
Push Car
This toy/stroller substitute has been one of Marlowe’s favorite things since she could sit up! We’ve taken it on neighborhood walks, to the park, and even sent one ahead on vacations! It’s especially amazing before the child is walking, since it keeps them a little contained while they are in that “crawl everywhere and eat objects off the floor” stage. Plus, how chic is it to give a baby their first set of wheels!
Diaper Cake
Nobody looks cooler than the person walking in to a baby shower with a gorgeous towering Diaper Cake! And one that’s made of chemical free, adorable diapers from the Honest Company? Even better. I love their diaper cakes because they have a super sweet surprise hidden inside– an array of baby-friendly natural bath products! Marlowe’s first bath ever used the innards of one of these cakes!
Super Chic Swaddles
Swaddles are one of the classic (and most useful) baby items you can buy. I actually ended up purchasing three more sets once Marlowe developed reflux and had to drape them over myself and the furniture constantly. You can do anything with them! But a lot of swaddle patterns are kind of lame, and not something a Mama Bear necessarily wants draped all over her in public! Buttermilk Babies makes the coolest swaddles around, with prints you will seriously want as wallpaper in your home. The best part: they’re made from all natural fibers and are super soft!
Classic Books
This is a perfect gift for the parents who have it all. Start the baby’s book collection using the children’s literature classics! You can even select a few of your own favorite titles and put together a little basket of books for the baby to grow in to! I think this gift idea is very personal and I have always loved when people add to Lowie’s library. This collection of Dr. Suess Board Books is an excellent jumping off point.
I hope these products helped inspire you! Are you reading this post and have any amazing Baby Gifting advice?? Leave it in the comments below, and join the conversation!
I wasn’t sure what to expect in yet another list of baby shower gifts but after reading it, I can agree that every item on this list is a must! I wouldn’t have used the high chair since we have a glass table but I know many who love it, and all the other items have been in use with both of my babies.
The Mombo (not the Boppy) was by FAR the most useful gift I received. It’s a nursing pillow but it’s big and soft enough that my husband could wear it too. We used it for tummy time, to prop my son up, as resting pillow for when he could hold a bottle on his own, and it’s the best grown up nap pillow ever! We used it literally every single day for 3 years. I purchased it for my cousin and she loves it as much as I do.
I love Eva’s idea to give children’s books. While you can never have too many onesies books will stand apart. It will show your thoughtfulness. I love the book “I am a Bunny” by Ole Rissom.
If you know the nursery colors or theme you could get a mobile. Etsy has beautiful handmade mobiles. I purchased one similar to this for my son. It’s modern and beautiful and unique!
Not a mom, but as my friends have started to have kids, I am all about books! Definitely seconding the board book suggestion – my mom is still a little sad about how I tore up some books given to her at her shower. What I like to do is get 4 or 5 board books (they’re so tiny and cheap!) and then one non-board book of something that I think the mom might find really special.
The peanut changing pad from Giggle is a life changer. I received this and have given it to a few friends. It involves no liners and can easily be wiped down. saves tons of time and less laundry!
One of the most requested things friends of new little ones told me they wanted is: food! Great snacks that can be eaten one handed or hovering over the sink in between breastfeeding sessions. That plus some personal care items (think Padsicle supplies & nipple cream) make their lives a little easier after delivery. Love hearing from them “Your gift was the most THOUGHTFUL gift I ever received.”
My “go to” baby shower gift since I had my own son 15 years ago has been, wait for it……………………..batteries! I buy a nice storage bin that can be used for so many things later but then fill it with all sizes of batteries. So many, many things that the baby gets requires batteries these days. And they are so costly. You will be shocked how quickly you can amass $50-$100 in batteries. Every new mom I have gifted this to has been thrilled. And I promise nobody else will think of it.
We got a wipe warmer and a bottle warmer for our baby shower. Our daughter would scream whenever a cold wipe touched her little bum, but if it was put in the warmer it was soothing rather than startling, which can help immensely during night changes and you don’t want it them to be fully awake.
The bottle warmer is something you would probably have to ask around about. Not everyone needs one. I couldn’t breastfeed, so she needed to be bottle-fed and you can’t give babies cold breastmilk or formula. They heat up much quicker than a stove and they have a timer on them ?
I usually do a mini first aid type kit for baby. It may not to be the cutest gift, but you can get some cute little bath products to go with it, and a cute, useful tote. It goes over well, and is something they will need. I love all of the ideas on here!
My mother tells me my gifts are always the best. My family lives in a different state them I do so I’m not always able to make the shower so I send my basket. I always find a gorgeous basket (hobby lobby mostly) in what ever color or theme the expectant mommy is using. I then go shopping for everything baby will need, diapers, onesies, shampoo, bath soap, nail clipper set, bulb, brush and comb etc. You will have everything baby needs and a bottle of nice bubbles or calgon, a pretty wine glass and a nice wine for mommy.
Sorry large basket can be used as a clothes hamper
When my brother and sister-in-law were expecting their baby last year, I decided to do a diaper cake for the shower gift…but not just any diaper cake! Acknowledging my brother’s love of his motorcycle, I made a motorcycle diaper “cake.” And since my sister-in-law and I share an obsession with turtles, I found the Perfect turtle to ride the motorcycle into the event! I have some adorable pictures of it but not sure how to share them!
Let’s see…this is an Instagram pic of it!!!
I give everyone a battery charger and rechargeable batteries. My daughter is almost 4, and we learned very early on that we would be using lots of batteries. The rechargeable ones are great for items that get used on a daily basis. I buy them from Amazon at a great price.
I received a humidifier and I totally love it. The table chair is awesome as well