February 2024 Horoscopes

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Meet Megan of Shadowplay Collective

Photograph by Amanda Lopez Photography

Megan is an energy reader who uses Tarot and her psychic intuition to tune in to the world around. Specializing in energy readings for anyone who is currently feeling “stuck”, she’s here to translate messages meant to help you breakthrough and reach your highest potential and goals. Megan has been reading Tarot publicly for only two years but during that time has gained a supportive community of friends and clients that come to her regularly for advice. Serving the community through Tarot is her passion. This is what lead her to start her YouTube channel, Shadowplay Tarot, where you can expect to come across a variety of topics covered as well as in-depth monthly horoscopes. With a background in Fashion and a lifelong passion for visual arts, she now enjoys expressing her creativity through her Tarot channel and candle shop. She’s a California native currently residing in Los Angeles with her Daughter.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Here we are a month into 2024! I hope you have been doing well, and I’m so excited to be back this month with your forecasts. I appreciate everyone that reached out and asked if we were going to continue providing these horoscopes on HEA and the answer is YES! We are most definitely continuing with Horoscopes on the blog this year! We might be slightly changing the formula but regardless, we will continue to provide content here as well as do the occasional live reads on Instagram together.

This month I’m bringing you your horoscopes in three parts. You have general messages for 2024, messages about your love life in 2024, and of course your horoscope for the month of February!

You may have heard astrologers talking about Pluto transits regarding Capricorn and Aquarius recently. This is a big deal considering Pluto brings about intense change! Some of you will be personally affected more than others by Pluto transiting through your chart, but regardless all of us as a collective will be affected. Systems will crash and fail in order for new structures to be built! Buckle up for the next 20 years of technological advancement and new systems being created. We’re about to watch the world change a lot more rapidly.

I highly suggest you check your sun, moon, rising signs for your yearly forecasts! They can provide a lot more insight and be extremely informative giving you a bigger picture perspective on your year ahead. For those of you with a little more in depth knowledge of your chart, check your Venus sign too for Love messages!

If you enjoy my horoscopes and you enjoy my readings, I invite you to join me over on YouTube where on my channel shadow play Tarot, I provide free readings regularly. Currently, my private readings are closed, but I do plan to accept bookings by the Spring. If you’re interested in booking a private reading with me, follow me on Instagram @shadowplaycollective or subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when I have personal readings available.

I hope you enjoy your horoscopes!

Aquarius Horoscopes


January 20 – February 18

Happy Birthday Aquarius! this month you might be going over your options and unsure over how to proceed when it comes to certain situations you’re currently going through. You could be expecting a new beginning, but you’re unsure as to how to even get there at this time. Because you may not be ready to make a decision as to how you want to proceed, you could be choosing to focus on your work instead. There seems to be a passive energy coming from you and the feeling that you’re postponing taking any kind of action at this time. You could be ignoring certain conflicts or drama this month, feeling bored and disconnected from the current goings-on’s. You could also be feeling withdrawn and not talking to a certain person in your life that is on your mind. For others of you you’re feeling trapped or stunted when it comes to thinking of new ideas as to how to grow and expand your career or business. You may be feeling like there are many things that are unknown and at the same time this feels like an all too familiar pattern for you. This month you’re not ready to take on any new opportunities and you might be feeling discouraged or let down by the fact that certain things haven’t worked out yet. Try to remember Aquarius that this time is passing and when you are ready, you can make the necessary changes to bring more balance into these areas of your life. You are capable of taking control and expressing your thoughts and ideas, and ways that lead to action and growth.

Your Message for 2024

Dear Aquarius, friends this year one of the things for you to overcome, will be seeing through illusions and facing your fears as to how to move forward in your life. You’ll be encouraged and yet challenged to take control over situations that only you can change. This is a time for you to get in touch with what you truly want and desire, what you’re willing to do to get closer to those things and goals? For some your biggest challenge will be battling your own ego. A part of you is shifting, growing and changing yet another part of you is holding on to old ways of thinking and who you used to be. It’ll be up to you to decide how you want to show up in the current situation in your life. This will be a year of great wisdom that is gained, elevations, and promotions throughout different areas of your life, but this also comes with great responsibility. There are some things in your life that keep you from making plans to move ahead, but it’s up to you to change your perspective and see there is more life to live outside of the rules you have given yourself. Some of you might be feeling trapped or in your head when it comes to a certain person or communicating certain needs to those around you. As hard as it may be for you, learning to communicate your needs and make the effort to communicate with those that you mean to carry relationships with is a crucial part of your growth. You could have an unexpected circumstance that comes up that leaves you unsure over how you feel or how others feel about you. Because of this, you might be withdrawing and keeping to yourself trying to sort through how to navigate through this but know that this is being sent your way in order to help you expand and heal. Life is trying to prepare you for bigger and more fulfilling experiences in your life but you have to be willing and ready to accept them.

Your Love Life in 2024

Aquarius friends when it comes to your love life this year, you may be feeling a little resistant in accepting the necessary changes needed to bring in your true heart’s desires and the manifestations you’ve been calling in! You could be feeling at odds, feeling disconnected or like you’re unsure as to what it is that you truly want out of love or out of a situation with a specific person. You could be walking away from past energies that are no longer serving you and at the same time questioning your decisions and wondering if there’s more waiting for you on the other side. You could be feeling trapped or in your head when it comes to connecting with people. It’s going to take a lot of bravery and courage on your part, needing to have the will to create changes and trust that you’re heading into a phase in your love life that is a lot more fulfilling and joyful! You could be coming back together and reconciling with an important connection you’re currently on a break from. Now is the time to let go of past pain and stress and realize that you’ve learned a lot along the way and you have the ability to feel a lot more stable in love and the emotional connections you make in your life.


9, 11:11, 22, 13



February 19 – March 20

Pisces Horoscope

Pisces in February you could be feeling powerless or heavily influenced by what’s expected of you in your role or certain traditions, or things that are expected of you at this time. This is a time when you might feel overburdened by life and the responsibilities you currently have on your plate. You might be feeling a little down during this time. Things might feel like a struggle but you’re remaining strong and emotionally stable throughout this. You could be receiving or learning information that helps clear some things up for you as well. Some of you could even be feeling bored and detached from your current circumstances. Now would be a great time for you to think of taking a social media break or a break from whatever content you’re consuming that might be keeping you in an energy of feeling discouraged and possibly even in a negative mind frame. Take time this month to slow down and ground yourself by tapping into your self-care practices and any activities that get you out of your head and back into your body, preferably offline if possible.

Your Message for 2024

Dear Pisces friends this year you may be faced with challenges and delays when it comes to getting new things off the ground. There seem to be some hangups when it comes to being able to start new cycles this year. Your patience might be tested and there will be a need to surrender to the circumstances at hand. You just can’t plan for everything under the sun and this might just be one of those times where you have to remember that it’s best to give in and allow things to unfold as they will. One of the lessons for you this year will be a reminder that when you push too hard to get the outcomes that you have your expectations set on, you may run into other challenges that cause further frustrations and delays for you and others involved. You are going to experience unexpected events that lead to delays in the upcoming months. You’re being advised to try not to react but tap into your intuition instead. This is the best way to find the path of least resistance that brings you the most peace. Don’t let your triggers from the past affect how you deal with unexpected delays. It will be so important to keep good and clear communication. If there is something of great importance that you are communicating, it would be best to remember some things that are best said in person or on the phone where you can hear tones and further explain information if needed. There is too much room for error,  miscommunication, and misunderstandings at this time. This year you’re also going to be reminded that it’s very important from whom and where you’re getting your information. You may be choosing at some point to block out outside information, choosing instead to go within and reflect on how you feel about things. Be careful to not over-commit or over-promise, even if it’s coming from a well-meaning place, you may not see challenges that will arise when you overextend yourself. Allow yourself to step back, and take a hands-off approach while letting some things naturally unfold.

Your Love Life in 2024

When it comes to your love life this year Pisces you’re feeling very confident about where things are at and the current direction where things are heading. You’re looking great and people are noticing! You’re focused on your social circle and the people around you seem to be enjoying the energy that you’re giving off. Be mindful and careful that this doesn’t go so far that you’re getting swept up in your ego, if this happens you might get caught up and disconnected from your own intuition. You could be going out a lot or moving things forward in a way that isn’t fully aligning with your values when it comes to love and emotional fulfillment. If you do happen to find yourself getting caught up in how things look rather than how they feel, you might find yourself realizing that the things you want to nurture and grow need more of your attention and connection during this time. The potential realization that you’ve become disconnected from what’s truly important to you won’t be immediate. This might go on for a little while until you eventually realize that those around you have been shutting down communication, and possibly even avoiding what they deem is conflict with you. You could also be the one avoiding uncomfortable conversations for the sake of avoiding conflict but at the end of the day these will all be things that need to be addressed in order to heal and move past them. This year you will be challenged to have tough conversations in order to bring about change and progress in your love life. For those of you who are single, you might have a secret connection or a connection that has been taking its time coming in. For those who are connected or in a relationship, it will be important to make time alone for each other and share sweet and private moments of romance and intimacy in order to reconnect. Even if you momentarily lose sight of what’s important to you in your love life, dear Pisces, you will have the chance to reconnect and strengthen bonds!


24, 1, 5, 9, 6


Aries Horoscope


March 21 – April 19

Dear Aries, if you’ve been feeling stuck the last few weeks get ready for a breakthrough! You may be realizing you’re at a fork in the road and you have a decision to make. Now is a really good time to do your research and make sure that where you’re getting your information from is a reliable source. Invest your time, money and energy wisely! Now is not the time to be giving your attention, money and energy to anything that negatively impacts your mental health. This includes the content and foods you are consuming! This may not be the best time to make big purchases or take big risks, but it is the perfect time to prepare by doing your research and getting clear on how you want to move forward. There’s lots of information for you to learn this month and as long as you’re properly seeking it out, you will be getting the answers you need. If at any point you start to feel overwhelmed, that’s a sign for you to take time out for self-care. There is great improvement this month when it comes to your thoughts, clarity, ideas and how you would like to make progress.

Your Message for 2024

In the year ahead, any areas of your life that have been feeling unbalanced, unjust and overall stagnant, will be highlighted. You’re being asked (and challenged) to be as truthful and authentic as possible in all of your efforts and intentions. This might be uncomfortable if there are certain realizations of relationship  dynamics and environments that you may have outgrown and are no longer serving your greatest good. This will be a year of making decisions based on what aligns with what is best for you and your growth! If you choose to ignore certain things and situations you will continue to feel stuck until you decide it’s time to make a change. Those of you that do make changes and start to align with what is better aligned for you will be rewarded with new opportunities for relationships, partnerships, and soulmate connections!

Your Love Life in 2024

This year you’re being asked to remain optimistic and hopeful about your love life! This is a good time to be seen. Some of you may be feeling a little pessimistic when it comes to love and relationships. You might have a very clear idea as to milestones that you would like to reach when it comes to family, home and relationships and all the other things that you want to build with a partner, but the reality of things may not be matching up. Some of you have an unexpected decision or choice to make when it comes to love. The key will be to realize that the triggers that are happening and the way you feel are all signs of the truth to your situation. If something doesn’t make you feel good, trust that your intuition is guiding you. You may feel tested along the way but trust this is meant to be a part of your love journey. This is meant to teach you and bring things into perspective as to what is important and figuring out what are your priorities when it comes to love and emotional fulfillment. Some of you may be challenged to release a relationship(s), a situation or a way of thinking that is not meant to come with you into the future. Situations, where things haven’t been progressing, will start to feel at odds with where the flow of your life is heading. Remember that if something leaves you feeling confused, unsure, or with the lack of trust- they may not be for you anymore. You are being asked to see through illusions, see through the fears and follow your intuition. Remember nothing is about you wasting your time on things that didn’t work out! It’s about what you learned from the experience. There is no right or wrong way. What is for you will not pass you by.


7, 22, 11, 777



April 20 – May 20

Taurus Horoscope

Taurus friends, this month be mindful of the content you’re consuming. You could be staying up way past your bedtime, doom-scrolling for the sake of keeping your mind distracted. Try to get some better sleep by focusing on your bedtime routine. This might be a time that feels a little bit more of the same and maybe you’re becoming a little bored, or a little tired, with some of the monotony of your routine. It does seem like this month you might be spending more time online than usual, this could be a distraction you’re seeking. Things in your love life feel a little stagnant at the moment but overall you’re feeling more at peace with things. You’re taking your time moving slowly, but also keeping your hands in many different jars. Beware of having too many projects going on at the same time!

Your Message for 2024

This is a year of gaining wisdom and learning lessons for you dear Taurus! Those of you who have put in the work, you’ve had the endurance and haven’t given up on your goals, and made the changes necessary along the way- are about to be rewarded. Your life is about to feel a lot more peaceful and at ease Taurus! You’re comfortably in your stride this year being independent, working hard on your goals, and getting things accomplished all on your own. This is the year that you’re reminded of what you’re capable of when you apply yourself and when you go after the things that you want! This is gonna be an excellent year for you to try new things, pick up new hobbies, learn, date, flirt, play with your style, and overall have more fun! This is the perfect time for you to explore new passions and see where they lead you. You’re in for a fun summer! Some of you may travel or get out in your local areas exploring the outdoors and being in nature more- this will be great for you! You’ll be finding that going forward you feel a lot better and finally getting over people and things from the past that could’ve seemed like they were holding you back, but now you’re free!

Your Love Life in 2024

This year when it comes to your love life one of your challenges will be walking away from toxic situations or patterns that could have been difficult to break. This could be people, past relationships, addictions, or it could be a behavior that has been holding you back. You might feel conflicted at times as you continue to further remove yourself from those things that did not offer you the consistency or commitment that you were seeking. This is a crucial part of your journey to align you with more stability in your love life. This year is pivotal when it comes to love for you dear Taurus, there will be truths that are revealed and things that you can no longer deny when it comes to the status of the important relationships in your life. This could be the year that you and your partner ascend to a higher level of your relationship or commitment and for those of you who are single, this could be the year that you meet, come into a union, or otherwise connect with someone who is going to grow to be an important part of your life. Some of you will be getting a new love this year in the form of children or pets! Regardless of what comes in, this is going to be a long-lasting love that is entering your life this year! Your challenge will be letting go of the past, don’t let the bad memories from things that already happened hold you back from your future.


33, 13, 23, 666, 888


Gemini Horoscopes


May 21 – June 20

Gemini in February you might be feeling like it’s hard to self-motivate or to get projects or just tasks going and completed! You could be finding it hard to focus this month and maybe you’ve even been purposely laying low and keeping to yourself. A lot of you might be ghosting certain people around you, choosing to work behind the scenes instead. You might want to connect with someone or have a project/collaboration with someone that you’re keeping to yourself and not ready for the world to see! Meeting deadlines this month might be a challenge. A lot of you are turning to your self-care practices, spirituality, and meditating during this time. Allowing you to tap into your intuition and letting it guide you. Overall, this seems like a slow month, where it’s more about going within, reflecting, and finding your own answers. You’re staying hopeful and optimistic over your dreams and wishes coming true and you’re looking towards the future!

Your Message for 2024

Dear Gemini, friends, this year will be all about finding the courage to make the right judgment calls in any given situation in your life. It’s a time of awakening, truths are being revealed and it’s your call how you’d like to proceed. This year might bring its challenges when it comes to important foundations in your life, including the status of important relationships in your life. You might be feeling disappointed or uneasy, unsure if certain situations are going to provide you with what you want and need. Things feel fun and light and you’re enjoying yourself having a good time exploring the potential of what could be. Because of the uncertainty you may try to remain detached from any outcomes but because your heart is invested, this does cause some pain and disappointment. You may come to the realization of how much you love someone or the fact that someone is in love with you, but the road has been long to get here and there have been challenges along the way. You could be taking a break from certain people or situations that don’t show you consistency or stability. In doing so, you’ll be able to gain more clarity and perspective on your situation.

Your Love Life in 2024

Many of you could have people fighting for your attention this year! This is a year where you will be seen! If you’re into online dating, you won’t have problems finding options. If you’re posting selfies- don’t be surprised at the likes and reactions to your pictures. Even though you’re getting attention from potential suitors, it seems that you may still be feeling a little closed off. Many of you might feel like you are stuck in a friend zone, or maybe you are friend-zoning other people. There seems to be a feeling of not being ready or open to expanding into new relationships yet. Many of you are still healing from something that affected your foundation or affected your views on stability in relationships, there are still things you’re realizing and learning from these past experiences. You may be finding it hard to let go of certain friendships, and relationships that were not growing with you. You will be going through periods of time this year where you’re purposely detaching and keeping to yourself in your own world. You’re working on something behind the scenes and a lot of you are going through a glow-up that no one is aware of. When you re-emerge from this period of time you will be feeling a lot more stable, your finances will have increased, and you will be feeling a lot healthier and grounded in your love life. This is the year that you will be releasing the conflict that you may have been carrying with you about past relationships or situations that didn’t end fairly or didn’t move forward at the time. You’ll be letting a lot of that past energy go this year in order to make room for the new!


9, 11, 6, 88



June 21 – July 22

Cancer Horoscopes

This month a lot of you are laying low. This might be a time that you’re choosing to reflect and go within, keeping to yourselves and avoiding social situations. Some of you could even be taking a break from social media in order to focus on your mental health. This doesn’t really feel like a time when you will be making any major changes or launching any new projects. February feels more like a month to find the simple joys in life. You could be feeling the need to take a break and step away from your everyday routine in order to bring some joy into your life. You could be focused on meditating, tapping into your intuition, or turning to other self-care and healing practices during this time. Your patience could be tested right about now and your challenge will be remaining still during this discomfort as things feel like they’re not moving forward during this time. A lot of you might find that this is the perfect time to expand your studies or spiritual practices to help you find more balance and you’re navigating your feelings throughout the month.

Your Message for 2024

Dear cancer friends, this year, you are determined to have a victory! You have been through a lot, and you have had to make tough decisions in your circumstances in order to move forward. You could block communication with someone or distance yourself from certain situations that you feel in order to break out of a repetitive cycle you need to do differently. This may be a decision you’re not the happiest making, but a part of you knows that at this moment- this is what’s best. There’s an awareness you have of a negative or a toxic dynamic here and this is what is blocking certain relationships from moving forward. You may be feeling regrets or a feeling of loss of not being or not having the long-term stability you would like at this time, but because you have this level of awareness you are bringing about positive change into your life. It might take a little while but you will be getting to the point where you’re feeling better, looking better, and feeling more confident. You’ll be going after the things your heart desires without caring what others think! Standing in your freedom and attracting new people and experiences into your life. A lot of you will be connecting with an important soul mate or aligning to a situation that is meant for you!

Your Love Life in 2024

When it comes to your love life this year, dear cancer, your challenge is going to be realizing you’re actually not trapped in any one situation! The things you fear when it comes to love are a reflection of what needs to be healed within you. There are a lot of anxieties that might be coming up regarding the lack of support or commitment you’re currently experiencing in love. This is the year that you start to view your struggles when it comes to love from a different perspective! There’s an acknowledgment that you’ve been through a lot and you’re realizing that you’re not in a place in time to be giving the same kind of efforts into relationships that you have in the past. If something or someone has kept you in limbo or if it left you questioning things you’re choosing to let it go. You’re moving forward and focusing on your healing. At times some of you could become triggered or anxious when it comes to someone’s need to mature in order to move things forward. You haven’t fully given up, but you’re also not entertaining anything that feels one-sided.


34, 17, 15, 14, 8


Leo Horoscopes


July 23 – August 22

Dear Leo, friends, in February it looks like you’re going to have an unexpected opportunity pop up when you least expect it! For some of you, this is an opportunity relating to your work. This will lead to your workload increasing by a significant amount, but this opportunity does bring positive growth for you. For others of you this feels like someone is going to surprise you by putting in the effort into reconnecting with you in some kind of way. Whatever the situation is, it comes in just at the right time. It seems like you are free to take this on when it is offered. A lot of you are manifesting this opportunity to be seen and recognized for what it is you do. It does feel like you’re going to feel victorious in the situation!

Your Message for 2024

Dear Leo friends, this year you may be feeling like your patience and your trust are being tested. You will be learning to surrender to the current circumstances and having faith that everything will work out in your favor. There could be a point where you feel disempowered when it comes to disengaging or leaving a person or a situation behind. Things could feel like they’re not moving forward and you may end up repeating some kind of pattern or cycle at some point. You’re being asked to trust the process! Your task this year is to learn from the past and move towards the future more confidently. You’ll be getting the opportunity for a new beginning in a new partnership this year that could be very important for you. But if both people don’t come to the situation, ready and healed, it is unlikely things will be able to take off and grow into something stable. Be prepared to have some fun this year! You’ll have opportunities to connect with people, but it’s up to you how far things will go. One of your challenges this year might be holding on to heartbreak from the past. This could be preventing you from moving forward. Connections take more work than just chemistry, they’re going to take effort on both parts.

Your Love Life in 2024

In the upcoming year ahead, a lot of Leo’s will be focused on pouring their love and attention into their craft, education, self-development, families, communities, and any other outward ways they can express themselves and their love. Your love life in 2024 seems more centered on self and community rather than centered around romantic love. This is not to say that there isn’t romantic love around you, but it does feel like your main focus is pulled away from romance and more into other forms of love. Your career and finances seem to be doing well and because of this, it makes it easier to shift the focus away from romantic love for the time being. Some of you are still struggling with opening up and being vulnerable again, even making new friends or meeting new romantic interests can be a bit challenging during this time. You will have love offers around you, and you will have invites, but it’ll be up to you if you choose to say yes. You’ll be very selective with who and how you spend your time, energy, and money on this year.


3, 55, 10, 9



August 23 – September 22

Virgo Horoscopes

This month might feel like you’re in for a little bit of a recovery. Maybe some of you are recovering from being sick and you’re finally feeling better! Or from a previous heartbreak or disappointment you went through. Whatever it is you have been going through it seems like you’re on the mend! You could be feeling like you’re not quite ready to get too serious about things, including work. If you do have decisions to make or deadlines to meet, putting them off as much as possible. It feels like a time when your soul and your spirit want to have some light hearted fun. You’re finally feeling better and you’re ready to bring some joy back into your life! You might be spending your time doing things that you love or pouring your energy Into comforts around your home. Many of you might want to be saving money during this time and might be choosing to stay home versus going out too much this month. It seems like you’re focused on creating more comfort in your everyday life and you’re choosing to take it easy this month.

Your Message for 2024

This year holds major opportunity for you to level up for Virgo! One of your challenges this year will be getting yourself out of your own rut. Some of you could tend to disengage, or flat out become bored when your routine gets too monotonous. If this is how you feel at any point, this is your sign to shake things up! You’re being encouraged to get out and explore. Spending time outdoors, or visiting places that you’ve never been before, even if it’s within your own city or town, will be good for you and your mental health. Some of you may even realize that you’ve outgrown certain social circles or friend groups this year. If this is the case, you’re being encouraged to explore new activities in order to expose yourself to new connections within those communities. This year you’ll be discovering new things that you love to do and that you’d like to dedicate yourself to. Some of you could be choosing to go back to school, or share your own wisdom in your area of expertise. You could be getting serious about your goals, your health, and overall well-being this year. Making positive lifestyle changes that will be sticking with you for the long-haul. It feels like you have the opportunity to align yourself to people, places, and things that are meant to grow with you into your future in positive ways.

Your Love Life in 2024

When it comes to your love life this year, dear Virgo, your friendships are being highlighted. Some of you are involved with people or have been giving to friendships and relationships in ways that haven’t been reciprocated. Some of you could feel so much love and care for these people, or you could feel that having these friendships is better than not having anyone at all that you’ve allowed this imbalance in dynamic to go on for too long. You could start to feel that you were the one that’s picking up the tab, the one that always sends the text first, or is the one only one trying to make plans. You could even choose to pull away from these people while you figure out how you feel without them around. For some of you, these could be coworkers that you consider friends and you may come to realize that beyond a working relationship, there isn’t much of a friendship. This is a year to be honest with yourself about how you show up in relationships and friendships versus how others do and does it feel like equal give-and-take?


3, 4, 13, 7, 55


Libra Horoscopes


September 23 – October 22

This month you might feel there’s a failure to launch. You could be feeling bogged down by your responsibilities or your commitments. Feeling like you have no other choice but to show up and do what you gotta do! Duty calls and you must answer. You might feel some regret over the amount of time that it’s taking getting over something, finishing a project or being able to close a past chapter. You might feel a little emotionally withdrawn this month and possibly a little frustrated especially if you’re trying to get new projects or a new relationship off the ground. You might be feeling indecisive and like things are at a stalemate, overall feeling like you’re lacking the resources or the support you need at this moment in time. Remember to take a deep breath, libra, and this too, shall pass. This energy seems to be moving through pretty quickly.

Your Message for 2024

In the upcoming year Libra, you could be having a series of small crushes or short lived experiences that bring joy and child-like wonder into your life. Things seem a little unconventional in the way that they’re rolling out this year and you’re just trying to go with it. There’s an acknowledgment that during this time, you’re not necessarily ready to make any major changes in the direction of your life. There’s an ease to things that you would like to maintain and because of this, it might lead you to go with the flow until you feel a clear sense of direction as to what your next step is. There will be times where you will be purposely blocking or slowing things down. If you find yourself doing too much of this, you might come to the realization whether that’s through your own means or life throwing you a curveball, that leaves you no choice, but to realize how your own actions have been holding you back. Now might be a good time for shadow work, and acknowledging any addictions or toxic behaviors that we are involved with that may be affecting us. You’ll have opportunities this year for growth and unexpected opportunities that bring you excitement, attention and growth. Your challenge this year is to recognize your own patterns and learn from them in order to move through and create progress.

Your Love Life in 2024

When it comes to love this year, Libra, you may find that your focus is more so based on your work and your stability. That’s not to say that you won’t have a good time and you won’t have love offers around you, but it does feel like you’re remaining slightly disconnected from the idea of attaching too much to any one person or particular outcomes. Some of you may dabble into dating apps or meeting people online, but I don’t see this going very far for you. It feels like you block that energy pretty quickly and might realize that some things aren’t worth putting the energy into right now. You do have a strong connection around you that it’s going to be present this year with someone that’s dear to you, but it seems like the timing or the energy to get things going isn’t there yet. This might feel like a fall start for you, and this is something you seem to be aware of when it comes to this connection. You could be feeling frustrated with a heavier workload or impending deadlines when it comes to your career, because of this, your energy will be mainly focused on your stability.


6, 2, 10, 55, 66



October 23 – November 21

Scorpio Horoscopes

Scorpio, for the most part you’ll be taking it easy this month. You might be trying to figure out how you feel about the current state of a situation or you could just be imagining the different possibilities of the direction your life could take. Either way it seems a lot of you will be taking some kind of break, avoiding making any major changes or decisions around this time. You could be focused on your finances and catching up on your bills, as well as choosing to prioritize your health and emotional well-being. A lot of you might be picking up healthier habits around eating or exercise and it’s bringing an overall feeling of feeling more well-balanced into your life. It feels like it might be a time where you will be getting your ideas and thoughts together as to what direction you want to take things in, planning ahead for the future. Some of you are thinking of making changes in your career, or taking control of certain areas of your life that may have been felt like they were lacking. You’re focused on making changes now, so come Spring you’re  ready to start anew!

Your Message for 2024

Dear Scorpio friends, this year brings you the gift of clarity and forward movement! Things are revealing themselves to you, and you’re now given the chance and opportunity to take your dreams from fantasy into becoming a reality. You’re being encouraged and challenged to prioritize and be smart with how you invest your time, energy and money is crucial this year. You have the power to create so much change in your life and to finally feel like you’re making the progress that you’ve been seeking. You’re going to feel a sense of freedom and realize that some of the limitations that you were previously feeling were based on your own perception. You’re focused on your goals and investing into the things that make you happy. You have opportunities this year to connect with people and places that you can grow with! If you’re looking for new work or new collaborators, this is a good year for that. You will find that your efforts bring in the results you’re seeking, further encouraging you to continue putting in all the more effort. You have some unexpected surprises this year as well dear Scorpio! You will find yourself feeling in your power, your confidence is growing, and you’re going after the things that you want and desire. You will be getting new ideas that push your creativity and make you stand out. This is going to be a time of great self development and growth in any area that you apply yourself to.

Your Love Life in 2024

Scorpio, friends, when it comes to your love life it feels like this year there’s some emotional things from the past that will be coming up for you in order to heal and move through them. This doesn’t feel like it’s a year that you are open and ready to be in a new relationship or elevate the one you’re currently in. This feels like it’s going to be a time for healing and inner transformation. At times you could be feeling frustrated over your changing moods, choosing to focus on your career and stability instead. This feels like a time you’ll be working on emotional and spiritual growth that will bring you expansion in different areas of your life.


66, 10, 22, 2


Sagittarius Horoscopes


November 22 – December 21

This month it feels like you’ve reached your limit in a situation dear Sagittarius. Some of you could be feeling fed up with the current circumstances and because of this, you’ve reached the point where you feel you have to take matters into your own hands in order to restore balance back into your life. You’re choosing to go cold and possibly even disconnect, turning away from certain people during this time. You’re pulling your attention away from them and no longer here accepting whatever it is they have to offer. You could be feeling frustrated or upset and possibly stuck in between a rock and a hard place, feeling like your options are limited at this time. Because of this, it pushes you into an energy of making decisions based solely off of what you want at this moment, acting out rather impulsive and reactive. This is a time where you might find yourself doing and treating yourself to anything in order to make yourself feel better. Beware of leaning too heavily into this mentality and energy.

Your Message for 2024

Dear Sagittarius friends, this year one of your challenges will be allowing yourself to go with the flow. You will find that when you try to force situations or manipulate outcomes in your favor, things will not go as planned. You’ll be needing to surrender and know that when an opportunity is right for you it will work out in your favor! This will be a good year for you to reconnect back to the things that bring you joy and comfort. You could be reconnecting with people who are dear to you from your past and choosing to spend time with the people and doing things that bring you joy. There’s a playfulness to your energy and an overall feeling of exploring different things that allow you to move through your anxiety (if and when it creeps up) and helps you get out of the feeling of  being in a rut. You could be traveling this year, as this helps get you out of feeling stuck or bored in your environment. This is how you’ll recharge! You could be letting go of past grudges when it comes to family dynamics and choosing to move ahead. Not necessarily forgetting what has happened, but also not allowing it to affect you as it has in the past.

Your Love Life in 2024

When it comes to your love life this year some of you may be choosing to take a break from things that felt like they were a waste of your time. It feels like you’re moving on to fresh energy and looking forward to meeting new people and having new experiences! You’re bringing more balance into your life and you’re not as guarded as you’ve been in the past. You’re not looking for anything serious as of now, but you are focused on having fun and enjoying yourself while getting to know new people. For those of you that are already in a relationship, it doesn’t feel like you’re looking to further your commitment, it looks like you’re trying to lighten the mood in your relationship and bring back the fun. You don’t want to spend your time or energy focusing on things that bring conflict, choosing to have a more peaceful dynamic with your partner instead. You’re ready to move on and move forward and experience new things in your connection. This is also a time where you’re approaching your connection with more balance, and not looking to have petty arguments with your partner. You’re looking forward to dropping the burdens and taking it easy this year when it comes to love and your emotions.


11, 10, 9, 55



December 22 – January 19

Capricorn Horoscope

Try to take it easy this month dear Capricorns, this is a good time for you to balance your checkbook and re-prioritize how you’re spending your money, time, and energy. How you’re choosing to spend these things is affecting how you feel during this time, so be mindful of what you’re consuming and what you’re giving! You could be feeling overwhelmed during this time when it comes to your finances or work, feeling disconnected or bored with your current routine. It could feel like at the moment there’s no end in sight to your to-do list and you could be feeling tempted to step away for a fun distraction. You could be feeling the potential of a new beginning during this time, but there could be hangups in getting it started. Any new opportunities that arise during this time could bring slight delays in getting started or accomplishing the goal. It will be important for you to recognize when to shift course in order to make progress and when it’s best to lay back and wait for a better time to try again.

Your Message for 2024

Dear Capricorn, friends, this year reminds you the importance of following your intuition, no matter how uncomfortable it might seem at the time. You may be feeling stuck or trapped in a situation, feeling tied to the idea of who others expect you to be and the roles that you carry in your everyday life and how they may define you. You’re getting attention and recognition during this time for the things that you’re doing and how you’re showing up for others, but there is something about this energy that doesn’t match how you feel on the inside. From the outside things are great and there is a lot to be happy about, but when it comes to your emotional state and how you feel about the relationships in your life, that might be a different story. You may have to surrender to letting go of certain situations or relationships that had no clear ending or resolution. There could be a need for acceptance that some things are just not meant to be. This year you’re being encouraged to focus on your rest and take a break when you’re feeling overwhelmed! Your intuition is already guiding you through what you need to know and the outcomes of those situations. Now it’s up to you to listen and reflect on what changes you would like to make happen in your life!

Your Love Life in 2024

When it comes to your love life in 2024 Capricorn, there’s a feeling of you surrendering to the fact that either you’re not ready for commitment or the person you’re dealing with isn’t showing up as the balanced and stable partner that you need them to be. Some of you will be choosing to focus on your outer glow up, feeling confident and going after the things you want and in return attracting things and people to you. Those of you who are single will be enjoying this time and not looking for anything serious. For those of you that are connected or dealing with someone, there may be issues in how this person is showing up and what they’re able to give to you at this time. You could still be working through releasing bad memories from past relationships or childhood triggers that may be coming up for you. You’re reaching a point where these things are coming up to the surface in order for you to heal and you’re now ready to release the pain you may have been caring for too long! This doesn’t feel like it’s a year or a time for you to make any major decisions or change directions rather focusing on healing right where you’re at. You’ll be realizing that you can make changes possible in your life that will bring positive change.


20, 1, 7, 10


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  1. Claire says:

    Loved this! It was spot on and even said some things I was thinking about today. Thank you so much!!

    02.01.24 Reply
  2. Ann says:

    Thank you so much for bringing this back!!

    02.23.24 Reply
  3. This insightful glimpse into the love life of Capricorns in 2024 offers a blend of introspection and empowerment. It’s clear that many Capricorns are navigating a period of self-discovery and prioritizing personal growth. Whether it’s focusing on inner healing, boosting confidence, or setting boundaries in relationships, there’s a sense of empowerment and self-awareness shining through. The acknowledgment of past traumas and the readiness to release them is particularly poignant, signaling a significant step towards emotional liberation and growth. This forecast encourages Capricorns to embrace the journey of healing and self-improvement, reminding them that they have the power to shape their own destinies.
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    02.28.24 Reply
  4. Alison says:

    Hi Eva! (And Megan)
    We seem to have had another unannounced hiatus from the Horoscopes, and no live sessions with the 2 of you either.
    I know that your life, Eva, has been particularly chaotic, but will the monthly written Horoscopes from Megan return anytime soon at least?
    Just when I thought she was back, she’s gone again🙁 Would love to know either way.
    Thanks, Alison x

    06.09.24 Reply