Eight by Eva: Margot Menzel

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This week’s subject of “Eight By Eva” is no stranger to the journey towards creating a work/life balance: Margot Menzel is a talent manager at Primary Wave Entertainment, and works primarily with children and young adults.  You may have seen her clients in some of your favorite movies such as Spiderman and Guardians Of The Galaxy, and popular shows such as The Originals, Boardwalk Empire, Bones, and Once Upon A Time!  Margot  is a Mom who has taught me the ins and outs of balancing family and the corporate Working-Mom grind.  She somehow manages to kick butt at work, stay fit with a regular (and unwavering!) exercise regimen, and maintain lasting friendships– all while raising a family of five!  I really admire Margot’s ability to find the time for herself without compromising her love and care for her family and friends.  Below, Margot answers my eight favorite questions:

1.     What is the best parenting advice you have received?
To remember that our children are not mini-adults! Once we leave the toddler phase it’s very easy to have unrealistic expectations for our little kids, and this has been a helpful when I’m getting frustrated or impatient. I remind myself of this on a daily basis!

2.     What is your greatest challenge as a parent?
As a working mother of three children under the age of 7, I think my biggest challenge is juggling it all and not analyzing if I’m a good parent. That’s tough. There is no book to tell us how to “do it all.”  All we can do is try to balance work, personal care, family, kids, friends……and there is no way we are ever going to do it perfectly. Putting my phone down and being present with our kids is also a challenge, but so very important. Even if I lay in bed with them for 5 minutes, look deep into their eyes and let them tell me about their day, it makes all the difference. It’s not the amount of time spent– it’s the quality.  So I guess that requires patience too, which is yet another challenge! Mommy guilt will always be something I struggle with: making sure I’m doing everything right and giving them all the tools they need in life. I do believe these challenges make me a better person and it’s all part of the process– and so very worth it!

3.     What’s the latest with your kid(s)? Any new dynamics? Funny quirks? Challenges?
Oh gosh, where do I start? Our oldest is in 1st grade and learning to read, which means we have homework every night! I helped her work on adjectives and nouns tonight– it was a good refresher for me and gave us some quality time together.
Our middle child is practicing speaking more clearly because he doesn’t fully enunciate his words, and he sort of smacks his lips together when he does it. It’s so cute!
The baby– well she’s on turbo mode at all hours of the day! She’s determined to do everything her older sister and brother do.
The three of them play so well together, and they definitely know how to fight together too– I relish the moments when I’m sitting in bed listening to them.  They all have their own little relationships with each other and love one another so much. That’s something that is so amazing to watch.  As an only child myself, I really love those sweet moments. I’m very grateful they have each other!

4.     What is your dream day as a family?
Coffee in bed snuggling with the kids while they watch cartoons. Soulcycle (my daily solo therapy), then walking to lunch somewhere as a family. Playing outside in the afternoon, and then walking to dinner where I pour myself a large glass of pinot grigio over ice and my husband and I can chat while the kids color– and possibly play on an iPad (shshshshshshshhh!) Simple and comfy is my dream day. We love hanging as a family– our house is our little nest.

5.     Kid item you can’t live without?
Foogoo metal water bottles that don’t leak, and keep everyone’s drinks ice cold. I can thank my sister in law for getting me hooked on them!  I also love Mini Melissa shoes for our toddler. They smell good and she can easily put them on herself. Slip on Vans for boys are great too– it’s all about what is easy!

6.     Favorite local kids activity?
I would just say going to the park, getting fruit from the stands around LA and having lunch on the lawn. We love the ice cream truck too– so many choices they always feel like it’s a new experience!

7.     How do you unwind?
Lots of working out, mani/pedi’s, massages and some wine on the weekends!

8.     What are your favorite beauty products?
I’m obsessed with Oribe shampoo and conditioner! The pink bottle is for blonde highlights and it’s amazing. I use Rodan & Fields on my skin at night– I should use the mask more but I get lazy. Oh, and Lançome oscillation mascara is the best!

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  1. Sara Palacios says:

    I’m always so curious how mom’s work full time and have a big time job and still find time for their families. I don’t have a big time job (although I do work full time) and I struggle sometimes to find time for everything. I love this series….thanks Eva!

    09.14.15 Reply
  2. Jennifer says:

    Just curious if Margot has a nanny or housekeeper to help her keep organized?

    09.14.15 Reply