Summer Entertaining: 3 Perfect Place Settings

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The warmer months are fantastic for testing out your Hosting skills.  I love having people over for dinner parties and get-togethers during the Summer! One of my favorite aspects of entertaining is getting excited about choosing the décor and the fun little accents that make a party what it is.  Get inventive for a group setting, or even pull out all the stops to make your own everyday meal special.  Today I’m sharing three perfect place settings for Summer that will add a little extra flavor to your meals!



Blue And White Delight

One of my favorite color schemes I’ve ever seen in person has been the entirety of the beautiful Greek Island of Santorini.  The whole island is decorated in the most charming array of blues and stark white– it’s as feminine and lovely as it is relaxing to be around.  This setting evokes the blues of the ocean and the crisp and cool white of a salty afternoon.











The Garden Of Earthy Delights

For me, Summer signifies a time to recognize the beauty of nature and all it has to offer.  Sometimes a natural and raw approach to a place setting can evoke the elegance of a delicious and bountiful meal.  This set up would be perfect for a desert setting, or even as an accent to fresh and yummy farm-to-table food.











Fresh & Vibrant Fishy Fiesta

I saw these plates and fell in love!  I love how festive and fun they are– and they immediately inspired me to think up tons different ways I could use them in my décor.  I think an energetic table using these fish plates and some colorful linens evokes a nautical theme without feeling too “done”.  I can tell you for sure that this exact place setting will be seeing the business end of a serving of Buster’s Green Fish this Summer!





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  1. Regine Karpel says:
    05.31.16 Reply
  2. Sue says:

    Good Morning Eva, Kyle, Lowie, Baby Boy Martino….looks like you all are ready for a summer full of love, laughter, good company, food drink and fun times ahead. I shared this post with my some close girl friends, we had our menus, cocktails, mock tails and they loved your table settings. We plan a meeting soon…we made you and Lowie an honorary Babe. (This group was named this before I found out about the name…..but very fitting!) Love to all! ?? Sue

    06.01.16 Reply