Mateo is Five!

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Eva Amurri shares her bday letter to her son, Mateo, on his 5th birthday

Dear Mateo,

Today you are FIVE: cue my meltdown. Cartoon character tears, slip on a banana peel, melting into a pool of sobs to dramatic music. You’d laugh hysterically at this I’m sure– just the type of humor you get a kick out of. You’d make fun of me for crying, but you turning five has gut-punched me…the realization that the baby in you has truly made way for this new version. My last creation and mini soul mate, and my most full-of-life little creature. You light up every room and elbow your way into people’s hearts in minutes. You came into the world so precisely yourself, and getting to know you the past five years has been such a joy and honor.

You test my limits, little Pisces Prince! You enrapture me and exhaust me in equal measure. You’re smarter than me for sure, and watching you expand your mind, fine-tune your skills, and learn a little bit more every day is so thrilling. I can’t believe that you are already reading! You ask us about every sign, about spelling, about numbers and geography, about sounds and letters….your mind is such a vast sponge. I look at you and watch the cogs in your mind turning in real time. I wish I could share in your thoughts sometimes– I wish I could see how you see the world. Your energy and independence are so inspiring to me. You don’t back down for anything or anybody. And, while this may end up institutionalizing your Mother within a few years, I’m secretly envious that you are so steadfast in your voice and purpose. Never change! Be nicer to me, sometimes, though! (I’m kidding. Also not.)

One of my favorite things this year has been learning who you are as a student and friend. Hearing your teachers fall in love with you, and share with me what a sweet and purposeful leader you are in the class has made me so very proud. I love that you love learning and connecting with your friends. I love that you’re patient and compromising. I love that you’re funny and fun to be around. It’s hard to realize that even at this young age, I share you with so many others already. I know this will continue as you get older and become even more of a magnet. I hope you still find time to come back into my arms and share yourself with me. I hope we still have that special connection nobody can top. I hope we can always get past our frustrating moments with laughter.

We are just alike in so many ways. Thank you for teaching me to honor those parts of myself– to welcome my complications. I see how beautiful they are in you, and it inspires my own self-love. Thank you for being the missing puzzle piece in our family. Thank you for choosing us, and making this world a brighter place as a result. I will always be so grateful that you are my son, my tempest, my 007, my curled-up kitten. I love you beyond, I like you forever, and I will be here until the end of time just waiting for that infectious laugh of yours to make us all sparkle.

Happy Birthday, Buggy. To many many more!

Yours Always,

Eva Amurri shares her bday letter to her son, Mateo, on his 5th birthday

Photographs by Julia Dags | Copyright © 2025 Happily Eva After, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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