Eight By Eva: Tara Swennen

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Meet Tara Swennen!  She is a celebrity fashion stylist who puts looks together for some of the coolest girls you know (and want to dress like!).  Tara not only has style in spades, but is also one of the coolest, funniest, most easygoing and strongest Mama Bears I know.  This is not an everyday combination.  She has a great outlook, and her daughter Jordan (3) has definitely inherited her Mama’s swagger.  I squeal every time I see a new Jordan video on Instagram!  Below, Tara answers my Eight favorite questions:

1.     What is the best parenting advice you have received?  Just be your self!  The Apple generally doesn’t fall far from the tree and your kids want to look up to you, so just be yourself and be your best self you can around them.

2.     What is your greatest challenge as a parent?  The work/hang time balance.

3.     What’s the latest with your kid(s)? Any new dynamics? Funny quirks? Challenges?  Jordan recently turns everything into song– it’s quite a beautiful and silly thing. Eating, riding ponies, even going to the bathroom has all become one never-ending musical theater piece!

4.     What is your dream day as a family? My dream day as a family would probably have to be either a trip to Disneyland, a day at the beach, or simply relaxing in the front yard.

5.     Kid item you can’t live without?  Paint.

6.     Favorite local kids activity?  We are big fans of Pint-Size Kids as well as local haunts like Color Me Mine,  and Beeman Park.

7.     How do you unwind?  I unwind with a cup of tea, a big chunk of chocolate, and fashion magazines.

8.     What are your favorite beauty products?  At the moment I am a big fan of Stila’s Stay All Day foundation and concealer.

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