March 2023 Horoscopes

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Meet Megan of Shadowplay Collective

Photograph by Amanda Lopez Photography

Megan is an energy reader who uses Tarot and her psychic intuition to tune in to the world around. Specializing in energy readings for anyone who is currently feeling “stuck”, she’s here to translate messages meant to help you breakthrough and reach your highest potential and goals. Megan has been reading Tarot publicly for only two years but during that time has gained a supportive community of friends and clients that come to her regularly for advice. Serving the community through Tarot is her passion. This is what lead her to start her YouTube channel, Shadowplay Tarot, where you can expect to come across a variety of topics covered as well as in-depth monthly horoscopes. With a background in Fashion and a lifelong passion for visual arts, she now enjoys expressing her creativity through her Tarot channel and candle shop. She’s a California native currently residing in Los Angeles with her Daughter.

Pisces Horoscope


February 19 – March 20

Happy Birthday, Pisces friends! You’re in for a little bit of a ride this month! It seems like something you had your heart set on may not happen the way you wanted it to. I see you’re not trying to get too hung up on it, knowing that if something is meant to be for you- it will be. For those of you that this is speaking about a person, they’re not the most consistent at times when they come around it sure is fun! There’s excitement and motivation to make this happen, but at the same time, you may be realizing that there’s too much you know already based on your past experiences and that there’s no fooling you this time. Money has the potential to increase this month and bring you up to a level of stability that feels so much better than where you may have felt things were before. There’s some fear coming up around you feeling stuck due to a chapter that has been hard to close, but you have to know your new start is getting closer! You don’t know everything there is to know yet dear Pisces, for a lot of you what you don’t see coming is related to the work you’ve been dedicating yourself to and a new exciting opportunity that’s heading your way. You’ll be coming back in action this month friends!


12, 7, 8, 9




March 21 – April 19

Aries Horoscope

Dearest Aries, in March you are being called to have faith! Whatever it is you went through, for most of you this could have been a series of life-changing events in the last few months, you’re being asked to have faith that things are happening as they should and lining you up for a greater purpose. Some of you could be feeling like your options are limited because of your financial situation, maybe you even feel like a part of you is lacking confidence at this current moment in time and it’s something you’ve been struggling with lately. I see you’ll be getting an offer this month that pulls at your heartstrings- this offer will be different for everyone. It could be in the form of an invitation coming from a person that involves physically going somewhere. You’re going to be going back and forth if you should say yes or no, weighing your options- your advice is to follow your heart and everything else will fall into place. Your stability is at the forefront of your reading for March. You’re still recovering from past events and there are some cycles that have been difficult to close because of it. Take care of your mental health this month Aries, this requires patience and an acknowledgment that you’re still healing, and slowly but surely things will start to get better.


7, 12, 11, 3, 8, 6, 21



Taurus Horoscope


April 20 – May 20

Taurus Friends! Going into the month of March you may be feeling like things just aren’t as good as you wish they could be. Maybe it’s your finances, your career or a relationship with a certain person just isn’t giving you what you need. For many of you, you could have already made the decision to walk away from this at some point, but are now feeling the after effects of that decision. Maybe loneliness tries to set in, or the feeling of lacking resources that you need in order to live comfortably- whatever your situation is, in the month of March things may feel like they’re at a standstill but they actually aren’t! This is important to keep in mind during this time, especially in moments when you’re not feeling the greatest when it comes to whatever area of your life is being highlighted in this reading. A lot of you could be feeling closed off for the sake of not wasting your time or resources on people and things that don’t aren’t creating growth in your life. You’re being asked to remain strong and see through any illusions that you could have had in the past that kept you from seeing things more clearly. What is your Ego telling you vs your intuition? You may be feeling stuck or trapped in your circumstances that are further fueled by a lack of effort you’ve experienced from others or the current state of your finances. Rest assured Taurus, things are still happening and you will experience movement forward- but during this time there are delays! By the end of the month, you’ll have an opportunity to get to know someone better- or if this is work you’ll have an opportunity to expand in that area. This seems to be coming in at the 11th hour when you may be feeling hopeless. By the end of the month I see you being a lot more stable than you were going into the month, there’s a focus on your home, material world, and your family. There’s an overall feel of things coming full circle and you’re able to move on to a new chapter where you’re more clear on what stays in your life and what you needed to shed in order to get to this place in time.


10, 9, 6, 5




May 21 – June 20

Gemini Horoscopes

Dearest Gemini friends! This month there’s a big emphasis on communication and missed opportunities. Many of you could be going into the month not speaking to a certain someone- this could be with someone that you were never able to reach a place of stability with. The opportunity may have been there, but it wasn’t taken at some point in time. It feels like you’re making the most of things and finding joy regardless if you hear from this person or not. There are lots of feelings that are being held back, keeping you in a state of emotional stagnancy. If this isn’t a person, this could be work-related, some of you could have been waiting to hear news about a new opportunity, but it hasn’t come in yet. Whatever it is, you’re not trying to let it keep you down, even if you do have some fears or dissatisfaction regarding the situation, you’re still carrying on as normal as possible. You’ll be holding back where you need to and powering through wherever you can- you may feel like you’ve been wounded in the situation, but you’re not giving up. Towards the end of the month, I do feel you will be getting the communication you’ve been waiting for. For those that this isn’t speaking about a love interest- whatever communication you get will be emotionally fulfilling and make you really happy! For those of you who already know who this person is I’m talking about- you’ll be reuniting with this person and things that were previously confusing or causing fears will be brought to light. I see a conversation happening that makes you realize the pain and stress you’ve been feeling for them is mutual and they’ve been feeling this separation just as much as you. You’ll feel so much love and understanding for this person. Things will be clearer and you’ll be seeing through any illusions that were there during this waiting period.


5, 4, 8, 12, 7



Cancer Horoscopes


June 21 – July 22

Cancer- in March there’s a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster you might be riding! Going into the month you may be finding it hard to remain positive about the current state of things in your life. There could have been a work opportunity that hasn’t led to the growth you wanted. For others of you, this is about a person that things didn’t really get past the friend zone with- maybe it was hard to get to know them on a deeper level and things could have recently changed between you leading to a lot of confusion. This could even be an issue regarding children for some of you. There seems to be a lot that’s on your mind during this time which could lead to jumbled-up thoughts that bring confusion to your reality. Regardless of what it is you’re feeling that way about, you have so much community and love around you in March. There’s a strong focus on your home, family and long-term stability. There could be a situation involving others that you can’t seem to let go of or put to rest. There may be conflicts or arguments involving a boss or partner who is having a difficult time stepping up during this time. Regardless of what conversations or regrets over what could have been handled better, I do see the conflict being dropped by the end of the month!


10, 12, 11, 7, 8




July 23 – August 22

Leo Horoscopes

Leo, many of you are going into the month of March focusing on your goals, your home or a milestone related to your stability that you’d like to reach. There’s an energy acknowledging that things may not have been balanced or fair when it came to these areas of your life, and now it’s time to restore order. For some this could be focusing on legal matters, taxes or any contracts you’re in that need mending. You’re inspired and motivated to get going and create positive changes around you- you know that nothing good and stable is built overnight but you’re now ready to get started on things you’ve been pushing off and get the ball rolling. Emotionally- for now you seem shut off to love. Some of you could be taking a break from dating or from being a source of emotional support as openly as you have in the past. You’re really taking a step back and figuring out what it is you’re wishing for? You’re not ready to change directions just yet, but you are reflecting on your happiness especially when it comes to the relationships you entertain in your life. For those of you in therapy, school or any other institution that requires dedication and willingness to put in the work- you’ll be experiencing breakthroughs this month! You’re finally starting to change your perspective in a way that is going to better serve you going forward. You won’t be ready to make any big decisions or create any major life changes just yet, but this shift in thinking is key to get you where you want to be.


9, 6, 10, 7



Virgo Horoscopes


August 23 – September 22

Dear Virgo friends! I want to start this off by saying- you won’t always be feeling this way. Many of you are currently experiencing situations that have left you feeling dissatisfied, drained, over giving and not getting the same in return. Going into the month there’s an energy that you want to release feelings of regret and maybe even conflict you’ve experienced with others. You hold so much love in your heart, but you’re not putting any more work into whatever this situation is for you. For those of you that this is speaking about a person you’re in disconnect from or at odds with- you have a strong connection to each other, but this month’s communication feels blocked. You haven’t fully walked away from this situation, but you’re also not investing in it like you were in the past. The unfairness of it all wasn’t balanced and there is a painful ending that’s showing up in your reading- for many of you this ending already occurred or you feel it coming. This doesn’t feel like it’s a surprise to many of you this could even be something that was a long time coming. Towards the end of the month, you’ll be focused on manifesting changes that will allow you to release what you’ve been holding on to too tightly. Some of you are manifesting situations and experiences that will get you out of your comfort zone, for your greater good! Rest assured Virgo friends, you have a new exciting beginning that’s coming. I feel you’ll be experiencing positive shifts in the next 3 weeks – 3 months depending on your situation and circumstances.


7, 8, 21, 12, 9




September 23 – October 22

Libra Horoscopes

Libra friends in March your energy and power is so magnetic! You have so much to offer be it with family, relationships or career- there’s an energy of excitement and passion that’s coming through for you. There are surrounding energies around you that aren’t showing you the commitment or stability that you deserve and at some point, you could have even felt stuck in these situations. If this is still how you’re currently feeling, in March you’re going to realize your worth in this environment and most of you will be choosing to take a break and keep to yourselves. Some of you could be outright ignoring the attention that you’re now getting! It’s almost like when you decide to pull back your energy, that’s when you’re given the attention and recognition that at one point in time, you wanted. You’re basking in your energy dear Libra, many of you will be turning to self-care practices and pampering, choosing to ignore any situation that has the potential to bring drama or conflict into your life. You’re choosing your peace this month! Some of you will be blocking communication of some sort because quite frankly you’re over it, choosing your healing and peace instead.


14, 5, 8, 13



Scorpio Horoscopes


October 23 – November 21

Scorpio March feels like it’s going to be a pivotal time for you! There’s a relationship or partnership that’s being highlighted in your reading this month. You’re currently at odds with this person or in disconnect. Many of you could be dealing with someone that isn’t communicating at the moment, or there’s a serious lack of clarity and understanding when it comes to this person and this dynamic between you. You’re feeling like you want to rush forward and make a move, but there’s also an awareness that whatever was toxic or restrictive in this situation isn’t something you’re trying to repeat the next time around. There’s a general sense of dissatisfaction on your part or the other person- maybe you’re both feeling this way. You may feel like you should make a decision about something regarding this partnership (or job), but you’re not sure what to do yet. In March you’ll have the opportunity at a fresh and exciting start, if this is work-related it feels like a new project that brings a fresh air of excitement.  For those of you in disconnect from a romantic partner- you’ll have a chance to come together this month. I see you keeping your distance and waiting for the right opportunity to slowly come in and get things moving again in a practical and grounded way. You’re not trying to be impulsive and commit to something you’re not ready to. By the end of the month, you’ll have an unexpected opportunity to choose what course of action you want to take. I see you taking your time and being undecided as we go into April.


4, 8, 12, 3, 7




November 22 – December 21

Sagittarius Horoscopes

Dear Sagittarius friends! Many of you are having fears around commitment this month. For some of you, this could be related to an important relationship or partnership in your life. Maybe you’re being asked to take the next step (whatever that may be in your situation) and you’re just not sure you’re ready or willing to do that just yet. For others, this could be commitment surrounding work or school or even going to therapy. Whatever area in your life that is being highlighted in this reading, you’re not making any moves just yet. You may have been waiting or pushing this off for a while now and the energy feels like it’s become stagnant. Perhaps there’s something from a past experience that makes it hard to commit, or maybe a cycle hasn’t come to a close allowing you the freedom and confidence to feel good about dedicating yourself to this. For those of you this is speaking about a relationship, there could be issues with codependency that are taking a toll on this connection. There are life-changing lessons to learn from this and you may not have come to the conclusion as to what those lessons are just yet. You may find yourself reminiscing this month and investing in things that remind you of a certain time that makes you happy. You could also be choosing to reconnect with sweet energies from your past. You’re not showing too much consistency this month and some of you will be choosing to ignore the very things you know eventually will have to be addressed.


3, 9, 10, 11



Capricorn Horoscope


December 22 – January 19

This month starts off with a lot of movement for you! There’s a feeling that you’re being very analytical and coming up with the best way to navigate your current situation. Something could have unexpectedly come up relating to your home or to another important commitment in your life. For some of you, this could even come as a breakthrough or sudden realization during a therapy or healing session. This could leave you pondering, what is it you want to pivot towards next? You’re not ready yet to make any moves, but this is heavily on your mind this month. You could realize there’s still a cycle that’s open in your life, this hasn’t fully come to a close yet but thinking about it might be worrying you. You may be feeling like you don’t have enough resources to help you right now. For others, this feels like you may be on the outs with someone that caused you emotional pain. There’s a message here about focusing on your sleep. If you do find yourself thinking about these things late at night, you’ll reach the point where you’ll be required to rest and you’ll be feeling it! By the end of the month, things feel better, you’re focused on your home and stability, you’re resting better and you feel like things are aligning for you.


9, 12, 7, 5, 2




January 20 – February 18

Aquarius Horoscopes

Dear Aquarius. In March you’ll be bringing more of the same energy you’ve been in and in doing so it doesn’t feel like it’s getting you any closer to your happiness and the things you want in your life! The way you’re viewing or thinking about something is outdated my friends! You have a new beginning showing up and you’re not going for it- many of you are holding on to old ways of thinking and it’s holding you back in March. You’re showing up and continuing to give and provide, but the energy of where the giving is coming from is unbalanced. For some of you, this could be you’re giving the bare minimum in a situation just to keep it going, and for others, it could be the opposite where you’re giving so much you may have created a co-dependent situation depending on what it is you’re giving to others. You’re not seeing a truth that is showing up for you, you may be feeling so far removed and detached that you’re not recognizing that you actually have more opportunity and power in your situation than you’re willing to see at the moment. There are major lessons trying to come in for you, but you’re not giving them much thought this month. You may be feeling like you’re struggling to keep up with your responsibilities and prioritizing yourself, there is a way out but you have to go through in order to get there. Some of you could be resistant to moving forward because past heartache and disappointments are likely to be felt in order to process and release so you can truly move forward in your life. You’re not speaking much and you’re not trying to get in touch with how you’re truly feeling during this time. Here’s the thing Aqua friends, you’re manifesting your own reality during this time and in order to make your dreams a reality- your manifestations are requiring you to get out of your comfort zone and let go of things you’ve been holding on to too tightly. Vulnerability is needed on your part! Only then will you truly be able to walk away from whatever these things are in your life that are no longer for you.


12, 3, 4, 14, 31



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